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Man or Myth

Theological Jesus

For Christians the world over, Jesus of Nazareth is the Saviour, Messiah, the Christ (or “Anointed One”), the Son of God, The Redeemer of Mankind, and bearer of many other names. The sources: the New Testament, the writings of the Church Fathers (or Patristic Writers), and various other Church traditions.

Theologically speaking, Jesus was the product of a Virgin Birth: his mother, Mary, conceived him when she was visited by an Angel of the Lord (the Annunciation). His “earthly” father was a carpenter named Joseph. The birth of Jesus was said to have fulfilled several prophecies about a coming Messiah, including one that said the Messiah would come from the House of David. In fact, the Gospels reveal two genealogies for Jesus, one of his father’s line (the Davidic throne) and one of his mother’s (making him heir to the House of Judah).

The Messiah was a figure expected by some Jews during the Second Temple period. He would usher in a new age. Historically, there were several claimants to the title, with disastrous results.

According to the Gospels, Jesus had at least four brothers (including James and Joses) and one or more sisters. The New Testament makes no mention of a wife or children for Jesus, but Church tradition has it that Jesus was both celibate (unmarried) and chaste.

The Gospels say that Jesus was baptized by his cousin, John the Baptist (the Announcer), whose mother Elizabeth was related to Mary. After this baptism, he began his ministry throughout the Galilee where he healed, taught in synagogues, raised the dead, and performed many other miracles.

As he went, he gathered disciples—and animosity--because of his stance on Jewish law. The rabble was also riotous because Jesus’ followers’ proclaimed Jesus to be the Messiah.

When Jesus made his fateful trip to Jerusalem, he famously overturned the tables of the “money changers.” He prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed and rebuilt after three days (the Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE but it was not rebuilt in seven days).

Christian tradition holds that Jesus was talking about his own Resurrection when he referred to the destruction of the Temple. After being charged with sedition by the Roman government for laying claim to the title “Messiah” and “King of the Jews,” Jesus was crucified. His disciples asked for his body and placed it in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Once entombed, Jesus is said to have risen from the dead (the Resurrection) after three days. He then walked among his disciples for another 40 days at which time the Christian Bible says he ascended to heaven (the Ascension) to take his place at the right hand of God, his Heavenly Father.

Jesus is said to have died for the sins of Mankind, redeeming all. In the Trinity, he is the “Son.” He is also the giver of the Holy Spirit. God is “The Father.”

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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