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Name: murdledturtle  •  Title: A bit of a stretch  •  Date posted: 03/05/07 15:48
Q: You really have to admit that this "documentary" was a bit of a stretch. I don’t care if your Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. This was the poorest attempt at proving an unprovable point I have ever seen. The use of the science in this film was absolutely absurd. The people who translated the lines on the tombs, they were all different. Sure you pay me enough, and I’ll tell you it says whatever it needs to say to help you prove a point. What was the deal with getting a mathematician to mathematically come up with the odds that it was or was not Jesus’s tomb? Something like that would be incalculable, given the evidence they presented. Was the mathematician for there proof, or for ours? All I can truly say is that this film should have been on the Fiction channel, shame on Discovery for running a program like that and calling it a Documentary. 
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Name: dougntam  •  Date: 03/05/07 15:58
A: First have you ever taken a class in statistics? That was a very logical formula for figuring odds and probability. Second dont you think that the film makers and any scientist or translator would know that others in there field would see the ossuaries and point out if they were bsing people. They would have to pay a whole lot to ruin my reputation for a lifetime. 
Name: KRS  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:05
A: Actually, a lot of the scholars in the film are upset with the producers that they used their names and footage, and few of them agree with the conclusions. A few have also noted that they felt their evidence was misrepresented by the filmmakers. 
Name: dougntam  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:13
A: yeah according to that stupid onesided crape with ted kopel, some said they were misrepresented. Like the one about the dna test with mary. But all that aside you can see the writing on the boxes.. Nobody is going to blatently say that it says something it dosnt, when it can be proved or disproved by so many others. All that they were saying with the dna that was tested was that they were not maternally related. Which given the biblical story and the circumstances that would lead one to believe that it was mary magdelyn. And everyone seems to be missing the point that the producers themselves said that they werent trying to prove of diprove anything. They were opening the door for the scientific world to look in. 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:15
A: Yes I know alot about statistics, and I understand the formula for figureing odds. I don't think the "formula" the matamatician used was anything other than what he thought it to be. As far as bsing. You think if they had taken the box to someone who said, This says Bob son of John, that they wouldnt have shopped it around to someone else? Yes they would have. What convinced me of the fact that the different interperators someone was full of it, was the fact that the curator of the museum they were in tranlated one of them. You think these guys are the first one to look at these tombs and translate them? I HIGHLY doubt that. 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:22
A: As far as the DNA test, how do you logically go from, well there not brother and sister, there not mother and child, so there for THEY MUST BE MAN AND WIFE....that’s bologna. They never entertained the idea that maybe Mariamne was married to one of Jesus’s brothers. They never even offered that into the realm of possibilities. I can entertain the fact that maybe Jesus was married, maybe he had children...but the way they came to the conclusions from the supposed evidence was ridiculous. 
Name: dougntam  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:24
A: What im saying about the translation is that if you were a translator would you blatently say that it says something it dosnt on national television knowing that others in your field will see what it says and know that your full of it. And then too no one has come forward disputing the translation of the writings on the ossuaries that were seen on the show. 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:32
A: Money, imagine someone says I’ll give you $50,000, if you can pull a certain name from the list of possible translations, sure the tombs are so cracked up anyway a crack here a crack there sure it can say that. That’s the thing about archeology, you are allowed to be wrong without fear of looking like you lied. Who would call you out on it when you are one of 10 people to see it. I’m sure that there will be a rebudel from the fundamentalist community, and I’ll bet it will be more plausible than what came out of this program. 
Name: dougntam  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:40
A: Murdle why do you think its so unplausible? Just because if goes against what you always believed? People once always believed that the word was flat 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:53
A: The reason I believe it is so unplausible(unplausible due to this documentary). First of all the manner in which the conclusions were made. The science does not fit the science! The translations, the math, the theory, the conclusions are all fictional. No real proof of anything. They proved absolutely nothing! The only reason this program was made was to undermine Christian beliefs. Let them do a documentary on Islam and see what would happen. They pick on Christians because they are an easy target. And as far as my beliefs, I have not defined them on here you have no idea of my beliefs. 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 16:58
A: Think about this, if they ran a documentary tomorrow on the fact that the earth was flat, how many people would swear by it just because they saw it on television. I have never flown in an airplane, never been out of the country. Therefore they earth could very well be flat. Pictures of the round earth are fakes, everyone who says its round are liars. This is what lots of people would be saying after. I feel as a society we should be skeptical of a group of people who try to undermine a religious groups beliefs. 
Name: dougntam  •  Date: 03/05/07 17:03
A: I dont feel that they were trying to undermind anything. If anything to me it is validation for christianity. 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 17:09
A: You take someone who only has the knowledge of the bible. People who aren’t as enlightened in the ways of god, and the spirit of god. You feed them this theory and its gonna be an earthquake for them. It will shake every ounce of faith that they have. Any attempt I think to make someone question what is written in the bible in such a way that it makes folks question there beliefs, is undermining. 
Name: murdledturtle  •  Date: 03/05/07 17:21
A: As far as being validated, Christianity is a belief system set upon faith. If you can’t have faith in the first place no amount of scientific validation is gonna matter for a non-believer. 
Name: Wes Boll  •  Date: 03/05/07 18:23
A: Come on Everyone, lets get to talking about who stuffed the bones in the ground ,1980 is not 2000 years ago!! DNA,huh???? 
Name: shofyke  •  Date: 03/05/07 20:52
A: murdledturtle. isn't it good to question what is in the bible? if it is the truth then wouldn't questioning it just add to the fact it's true? 
Name: Tara  •  Date: 03/05/07 20:58
A: I think people were afraid to admit what was found, in 1980 it had only been 40 years since the Jewish people were able to return home.

Do you know what this find could do, especially if people can't understand that Jesus was a judeo-christian.

It was brave for the team to bring this finding to the people, it is obvious that know one else wanted to. Watch the video clips, things become clear. 
Name: OpenMinded  •  Date: 03/05/07 21:08
A: (Quote)This was the poorest attempt at proving an unprovable point I have ever seen. (Quote)

I think you watched the wrong program. Thier attempt was to inform everyone of what they found and to get more research done. They even give you the option to "think for yourself." Your post "proves no point." 
Name: OpenMinded  •  Date: 03/05/07 21:12
A: I feel as a society we should be skeptical of a group of people who try to undermine a religious groups beliefs.

*This is 2007! Flat earth, what?! I don't think anyone is uneducated enough to believe the theory of your post. 
Name: Tara  •  Date: 03/05/07 21:56
A: Did you even watch the film or any of the video clips, he has claimed nothing, he presented facts and said "think for yourself"

Maybe if it was wrapped around some chocolate and marketed on a billboard it would be easier to digust.

If they added flashing light, some catchy tuns, and placed it on TV during the super bowl.

"think for yourself" take the facts and think for yourself! 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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