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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Affective Speculation
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Name: Shlomo  •  Title: Affective Speculation  •  Date posted: 05/19/07 19:58
Q: Exploring after your heart refers to affective speculation which is a source of idolatry and is prohibited. What makes affective speculation? The prohibtion of "you shall not stray after your hearts and after your eyes" was designed to eliminate more than just a particular way of thinking. The objective of this prohibition is to uproot an entire philosphy of life which proclaims: what feels true is true. There are two types of truth: theoretical and practical. "The earth is round," "2+2=4" and "G_d is One" are all statements of theoretical truth; they proclaim what is or what is not. "Look both ways before crossing the street" is a statement of practical truth; they proclaim what one should do or should not do.

The prohibtion of "you shall not stray after your heart and after your eyes is to prohibit us from relying on our hearts for theoretical and practical truths. Just because it feels true does not mean it is true and just because it feels good does not mean it is good. A person who embraces the philosphy of "what feels true is true" is the irrational person rejecting the Tzelem Elokim as a preceiver of reality and relying on his/her feelings instead. This person will feel deep down and assure his/her self, "I will have peace, for I proceed on the authority of my heart." This leads to the confusion of the heart. 
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Name: Panluna  •  Date: 05/20/07 21:00
A: There is an old saying:The Heart wants what the Hearts wants---just look before you leap. 
Name: Shlomo  •  Date: 05/20/07 21:53
A: Panluna,

Thought I would put that in there............I am familiar with what you are saying, I am from the old school as it were. 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 05/21/07 1:04
A: Shlomo,
just call me "the romance police" 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 05/22/07 1:35

My heart debated death
And laid me down to rest

It skirted all the organs
Though they were deplorin'

It thought
Oh what the heck
Silence is the best

It took up all my wealth
And robbed me of itself

Name: Not Dattaswami  •  Date: 05/22/07 18:06
Name: Not Dattaswami  •  Date: 05/30/07 0:26
A: .. 

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