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Name: MorDeKhai  •  Title: Attention to Detail  •  Date posted: 02/27/07 20:31
Q: They claim to find Jesus' Tomb. They say archaeologists, forensics experts, statisticians, etc. have COME TOGETHER to decipher "one of the greatest mysteries of all time"

sounds more like a circus advertisement to me.

Look at the motives...Follow the money...Do your own research, believe me there are tons of debates, theories, findings...you name it. The truth will reveal itself, no one will have to go digging it up.

I have a Question:
WHY, IF YOU SAY YOU PAY ATTENTION TO CLOSE DETAIL, DO YOU HAVE ON A WEB SITE INTRO PAGE A CLAIM THAT "An incredible archaeological discovery in Israel changes history and shocks the world. Tombs with the names The Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and Judas, their son, are found and an investigation begins."

"...Tombs with the names The Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and Judas, their son, are found..."

"Ossuary 80/505 was inscribed “Maria” – a Latinized version of the name “Miriam,” rendered in Hebrew letters. AND Ossuary 80/500: “Mariamene e Mara” – “Mariamne, also called Master”

BUT WAIT THE INTRO PAGE SAID "...The Virgin Mary..."
AND "...Mary Magdalene.." NAMES FOUND


Oh...and if this were a court of law (and since they use legal nomenclature)
CREDIBILITY is something you need. I found a little dent in that armor. I'm sure with your own searching you will find some too.


2Pe 3:2-4
"I want you to remember and understand what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles. First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire. This will be their argument: "Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created." NLT
2Pe 3:9
"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent."NLT

Repent! (makers of this film)
For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

A servant of Jesus Christ
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Name: Kluggy  •  Date: 02/27/07 20:43
A: How can you be aservant of JC, when everything you know about him (very little in all probability), has been edited over the millenium and placed in a book called The Bible. Surely you must know that it was edited for the eyes of the Roman rulers at that time and does not in ANY way have a bearing on today's life - with the exception of the 10 commandments. ( there are actually 613 commandments in the old testament, but that wouldn't matter to you).

Why is there no mention of JC between his birth and the start of his ministry? If people at that time knew he was 'the son of God', then why wasn't a record kept of his 'magical life'?

No, my friend. You and counless millions of people throughout the ages have been duped by Holy Roman Empire. Even Pope Benedict made the statement... "It has served us well, this myth of Christ"

Have a nice day 
Name: Tara  •  Date: 02/27/07 20:50
A: Please!!! Do you here yourself, I am sure that Jesus is much happier that everyone has his message wrong, said his wife is a prostitute, and deny his children.

Why would he have come in a physical body if the concept of the body was not important!! 
Name: Wolter  •  Date: 02/27/07 20:59
A: Kluggy, if you just wish to only antagonize, there's no point in responding in the first place. Secondly, you've sorely confused the time period of the Church Synods and the "Roman Catholic Church." The Early Church's (unedited) confirmation of the Bible as directly coming from the line of Apostles took place FAR before the Roman Catholic Church, and has nothing to do with it (i.e. the Roman Catholic Church). During the time of the synods, the Christian Church was under Heavy persecution by the Catholics, so nothing was tailor made to appease the romans.

As for 613 commandments? Now you're confusing the Suzerainty Treaty with case laws and civil laws, as well as the Deuteros (second law, in which the law is merely retold to the second generation of the nation of Israel in the wilderness). The Civil Laws and Case Laws are not "additional commandments", but they merely build upon and apply, ethically, what is already stated in the 10 Commandments.

Finally, the statement "It has served us well, this myth of Christ", was falsely attributed to "Pope Leo X". It was stated by the apostate English Carmelite John Bale, in his 16th-century satire, The Pageant of the Popes. That statement was never actually said by any Pope. 
Name: Ananda  •  Date: 02/27/07 22:14
A: why do I Lov Thunder
The Perfect Mind

for She sings poetry
beyond space and time

the future is past
and history is crass

as the sound of Thunder
reveals moment's plunder

beyond sounds door
time no more

as mind falls
into the oblivion
of the All 
Name: MorDeKhai  •  Date: 02/27/07 22:44
A: No one seemed to anwser my question......lol
...but like I said:
"Look at the motives...Follow the money...Do your own research, believe me there are tons of debates, theories, findings...you name it. The truth will reveal itself, no one will have to go digging it up.

Thanks for your comments anyway.

A servent of Jesus Christ
Name: MorDeKhai  •  Date: 02/27/07 23:47
A: Read For Yourself !

(no hyphens in link)

(1- hypen between "bib" and "arch" and 2 underscores after ossuary and Uzi)

(n-o- hyphens in link)
Name: ceupi  •  Date: 03/05/07 7:18
A: A very good statement...A good defender of faith. I agree with your statment:
""Look at the motives...Follow the money...Do your own research, believe me there are tons of debates, theories, findings...you name it. The truth will reveal itself, no one will have to go digging it up"

Many Thanks!

Mr. Za Lian Ceu 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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