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Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Title: Canadian research  •  Date posted: 10/03/11 2:16
Q: Sunday October 2nd, 2011

I speak here of a documentary that will run begining tomorrow night on Canada's French channel, the RDI channel. It is a series that will air over a 6 week period.

It is on the rise of religion in North America.
The commercial hints that the documentary wil begin its examination of the rise of religions in the Americas from the time of the European colonisations in 15 and 16 hundreds.

I created a new page to speak of this.
I find it regretable that so many new pages are created on this forum. Before I create a new page on this forum I look through past pages to see if I can fit my comment into a page begun by someone else.

I create this page because I think it can bring something new to this forum.

I watch documentaries from many different countries and television networks (CNN, CBS, ABC, BBC, France, US, Britain, Al Jazera,...)

This site was begun by people who try to stand back and look at religious history in a global way, but with an ability to focus in on details of one time and place.

Some of the tensions between east and west have to do with how our respective societies evolved and were influences by religion.

It is my impression that the documentary that will air on RDI, the French channel in Canada's French Province of Quebec, will try to look at how religion evolved in North America in the modern era.

If you understand French enough to follow a dialogue in a documentary, I invite you to watch this program, airing in segments of 60 minutes for 6 Mondays in a row, at 20h.


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Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 10/12/11 13:39
A: .

A link to the French language program on the history of religion in the Americas.


I'-ll- try to find it in English.

This documentary is what I hoped it would be:
- a general history of the development of religion in the Americas.

More later.


Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 10/12/11 13:49
A: .



Friends,- the documentary I speak of above is available in English.

Why I am happy about this:
- I think there is a lack of understanding in the East (and the West) about how religions evolved in the Americas.

I think that this documentary can bring new insight into the dialogue between east and west.

Hope you take the time to watch it.


Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 10/13/11 6:15
A: lso, this documentary was created by a British film maker, and not in Canada is I thought when I saw the series announced on French-Canadian tv.


Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 10/13/11 6:17
A: .

Other link for watching this series.


Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 10/17/11 5:34
A: .

For the first time on television, God in America explores the tumultuous 400-year history of the intersection of religion and public life in America, from the first European settlements to the 2008 presidential election.

A co-production of AMERICAN EXPERIENCE and FRONTLINE, this six-hour series examines HOW religious dissidents helped shape the American concept of religious liberty and the controversial evolution of that ideal in the nation's courts and political arena; HOW religious freedom and waves of new immigrants and religious revivals fueled competition in the religious marketplace; HOW movements for social reform -- from abolition to civil rights -- galvanized men and women to put their faith into political action; and HOW religious faith influenced conflicts from the American Revolution to the Cold War.

Interweaving documentary footage, historical dramatization and interviews with religious historians, the six-part series is narrated by actor Campbell Scott and includes appearances by actors Michael Emerson (as John Winthrop), Chris Sarandon (as Abraham Lincoln. and Keith David (as Frederick Douglass), among others.

Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 10/30/11 12:26
A: .

Sunday October 30th 2011

Hi Sam.

I hope you get the chance to watch the Frontline documentaries on the development of religion in the Americas.

I think you would find it fascinating.


Name: sam  •  Date: 11/01/11 16:34
A: Hello Indie,
How are you, and how you been doing lately. I hope that you are doing well.

As I did thank you for the YOUTUBE video "ISLAM IN SPAIN", again I would like to thank you for the PBS decomentaries, "the development of religion in the Americas." - "GOD IN AMERICA".

Last two day, I spent a lot of time watching this programme going back and forth between "A new Adam" & "of God and Saesar", and I did learn a lot from it.

I did find that most of it is a talk about :
- 'Religion & politic' .....Mixing faith with politics....A religion market place.
- Catholic...Anglican...Baptist....Evangelical + hundreds of other churches.
- Adding the changes which took place by the commings of Buddhist, Hindu, Muslims , and the growing of those who do belive in freedom from religion and the atheist etc..
- At last, I could say, it is the same as the old man game which been played first 2000 years ago by the famous PAUL, it is about POWER AND CONTROLE, and nothing to do with the real Christianity which is Jesus teaching.
- Billy Graham, Pat Roberston, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and the many before them are the one who run America from the back stage.

Indie, Another thing which is nice to look at Is the "American Scripture" , and it is on the same page, and here some from it:

1898 - "Outraged at being denied the right to speak at an abolitionist conference, activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton turned her prodigious energies to the cause of women's rights. As she grew more radical, she viewed the Bible as a key weapon in the subjugation of women and authored a new Bible, the Women's Bible. In her introduction, Stanton argues that the Bible "degrades women from Genesis to Revelation," and keeps women in their "divinely ordained sphere." Ministers and clergy also conspire to keep women in their place and women -- so accustomed to a male-dominated status quo -- provide "the chief support of the church and clergy." Stanton's Bible stirred controversy, including strong objections from her colleagues within the women's movement. She had little patience for her critics: "Come, come my conservative friend, wipe the dew off your spectacles, and see that the world is moving."


These are great words.
Most people are blinded by their faith, and they will never see the truth even while it is in front of their face, and we can see that clearly when women criticize E. C. Stanton for working hard to give the woman her rights !!!.

God bless you. 

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