Name:Ryeshua •
Title: Centurians of The Tomb •
Date posted: 03/06/07 6:38
Q: Evidence is the cornerstone of True Faith. . . and a true follower of Christ and God is not afraid of the evidence of truth. If anything is true, there is evidence thereof, and we all have responsibility to seek out that evidence -- and to share it freely with the world. In another context: Where there is smoke, there is fire. . . and the so-called Christian, Jew, Muslim, and scholar, alike, needs to learn to resist his/her demonic inclinations to kill the fireman (aka., the messenger) who's only trying to look out for your better interests.
"The blind leads the blind" because evil men continue to deny you the evidence of that, alone, which can set mankind free from the mind-control of such evil contentions; for, only knowing the truth will set you free from the falacies which dictate your lives, oppress the poor and innocent -- and continually plunges you and your loved ones into war. The latter including not only the currently revived crusades of the Mid-East, but also the war on the people's liberty -- cleverly given such convenient designations as , "Homeland Security," or, "Drug Wars." Rest assured that your hard-earned tax-dollars and your heartful church tithes are hard at work. . . in another religiously propitiated witch-hunt with the entire arsenal of the goverment and "we, the people's" army and resources, at it's disposal.
"Remember your first love. . ." Jesus, in his undying love for all mankind, forced a confrontation with this world's evil, resulting in him being publicly murdered -- all, in order that you might finally know the face of evil so cleverly masked in false ideals and the deceptive doctrines of pious demagogs. If you feed and harbor this menacing beast, does that make you a saintly animal lover. . . or, a fully horned devil with a bible in hand. . . quoting scripture with impudence?! If it's the latter, then that sticky feeling on your hands isn't from the nectars of heaven but rather, the blood of Jesus. . . and your fangs are dripping, too.
So the blind man asks, why is it that there is now a Christian Centurian and a Jewish Centurian now guarding (sealing) the entrance of the tomb in order to keep us away from the evidence?!
Answer: Surely your vision fails you; for, it's still a Roman Centurian guarding the entrance to the tomb -- you're just seeing the schizophrenic reflections of the same perpetual scourge of mankind.
Now, for those of you whom insist there is merit in re-sealing the tomb, here's an interesting prospect to consider: Do you suppose they'll let the reincarnate Jesus re-enter the tomb and demonstrate his match to the dna? I have a fresh swab, just in case anyone's really interested. . . but, I won't be holding my breath.
My blessings to Simcha, James, and the friends of truth.
Name:MsGreeneMBA •
Date: 03/06/07 14:47
A: I completely agree with you Ryeshua. Let the truth be shown. Even if they seal the tomb, they don't seal in the truth. There is a reason this tomb was discovered, there is a reason it was filmed, and there is a reason why everything is happening. Ask GOD for truth and he will show you.
Name:Achaney •
Date: 03/10/07 7:11
A: It is a known fact, eventually, all things come to be seen, it's just depends on people, if they want to accept it or not. Obviously Christians are not going to, even the one's who are making money out of being a christian, such as pastors, tv evangelsits, and etc. Nobodys going to cash in and believe that Jesus tomb was discovered. Lets settle are differences, lets be human beings, lets talk about a new way, like jesus real way, the WAY, not christianity, the ROMAN WAY.
I am pretty sure Jesus was singing the Beetles!
The truth shall set you free! ( okay, that sounds a little corny)