Name:Todd •
Title: Dattaswami, cash cow or sacred cow? •
Date posted: 05/26/07 2:09
Q: Having been away from the message board for awhile, due to family and just everyday living/lawn maintenance. I was amazed at how much spamming or dattaswami-ing that has been going on.
At first I started dattaswami-bashing because it’s so easy and well, just plain fun.
I started realizing something profound…..(tell me where to send a money order to dattaswami) (See, it’s just so easy to rip on this guy)
How would we respond if Jesus came back and started preaching today? Would He be ridiculed by everyone like in His own lifetime? (You’re not alone dattaswami) (I think I’m addicted to ripping on this dude)
Why did God stop after the New Testament? Not the gobblie-gook that the lunatic fringe try to cash in on. The Covenant stuff. Why hasn't God stopped the false religions/prophets? (can you say dattaswami)
God talked to his people and gave us the Old and New Testament but what now?
There are no commandments on how much TV we should watch. Is the internet a blessing or curse?
Lame examples but you get the idea.
Why were the people so spiritually inclined/connected years ago and we get bozos like dattaswami?(I just can’t stop)
Where is the new religion that swept like wild fire in the days of yore.
Are we that insensitive and cynical that nothing new could be brought forth.
Nothing new has been cohesively put together that bridges the old and new. Like the Old Testament and New Testament. I know the second coming will solve all that but… sequel for 2000 years. I know, if I was “born again” the end would be near.
I know about all about the off-shoot, false prophets, dattaswami’s (is there a pill to stop me) and the rest of the piranhas that have fed off the weak and poor.
I do feel like we need a new “religion” for lack of a better word. For the ones who don’t buy the dogma of the “organized religions” anymore.
Some of us have touched upon spiritually and a new understanding of the “old ways”.
The majority have been engaging and thought provoking in the debates here. So there seems to be a need and that people can openly and freely discuss things that were “heretical” years ago says a lot for us.
I can not believe how many people are on the same quest and won‘t readily dismiss discoveries/opinions because they don’t fit the old regime.
We may not all agree but we are asking the tough questions and throwing away the dogma of the past.
Some are.
Not all, I know.
Name:dattaswami •
Date: 05/26/07 3:32
A: Todd ;
How would we respond if Jesus came back and started preaching today?
God has to come in human form in every generation because as soon as God exits, selfish people misinterpret His message constantly. The misinterpretation satisfies the majority of the people, which is incapable of practicing in the right path. For example God decides that 70% is the distinction. When God exits, the majority of the students, which is incapable of getting the distinction like to bring down the percentage so that they can also have the satisfaction of the distinction.
A student who gets 7% wants to have distinction. Now the misinterpretation is given like this. In the number 70 there are two numbers. One is 7 and the other is 0. Since 0 has no value, 70 must mean 7. Therefore, the student getting 7% can get distinction. Such misinterpretation by a mischievous teacher is admired by a large majority of students. Now he is the greatest teacher with large majority of followers! This is the present situation of false preachers misleading the vast majority. The distinction can be neither given by the teacher nor by the students. The board of interview selecting the students of distinction for service has the acknowledge of the distinction for which only there is real fruit.
Hence, God gives the divine fruit only to the real distinction since He is well aware of the marks of distinction, which were prescribed by Him only. Therefore, God had to come again and again and also everywhere simultaneously (especially when there was no electronic communications in the world) to establish the correct interpretation in the entire world. This correct interpretation attracts only the merit students and the majority consisting of incapable students will reject this. God is also not bothered about such majority because even if the truth is established to them, there will be no use in the case of such students. Krishna never preached spiritual knowledge to many people in His life. In His entire life, He chose only one occasion to preach Gita to just Arjuna only.
Name:Panluna •
Date: 05/26/07 16:19
A: There is always a spiritual messenger..should we shoot the next One?...just kidding.