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Home » Forum » Theological Implications » Demise of the Catholic Church
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Name: Jaybo  •  Title: Demise of the Catholic Church  •  Date posted: 03/06/07 21:34
Q: There was an Irish mystic/monk St Malachi who predicted that the end of the Catholic Church would come with the 111th pope (from Malachi's day forward). We are now on pope #111 --- after that, no more Catholic Church. Note: NOT the end of Christianity, but the end of a corrupt church and its fairy tale teachings. Check this out: Google him...

He correctly identified every pope and correctly identified how long they would reign... and then the last pope would be of "the glory of the olive" not reigning long, and after him would come one who tries to resurrect the Church, but fails... why, Malachi does not say. Pope #111 is the last officially elected pope.
The one who comes next is not a pope, but 'Petrus Romanus', a cryptic moniker and during his efforts, the Church and some of our world is in a shambles, too much chaos... he fails, too.

Maybe Dan Brown and Simcha are not responsible for the demise of the institution that brought us the Inquisition, the murder of the Cathars, and the attempted murder of all Knights Templar (here they failed), but it gives pause to reflect that this may be the start of the Great Apostasy....

...and that may be very healthy. People may turn to spiritual growth instead of rote (brainless) religion... Wow, what a thought! 
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Name: oncomingstorm  •  Date: 03/07/07 19:36
A: I was born and raised Catholic, and although I what I believe differs in sometimes great degrees from my church, I think labeling only the Catholic church as "corrupt,," with "fairy tale teachings." is probably a little narrow. True evil had been done in the name of God throughout history by a multitude of churches, not just the Catholic one.

Having said all that, I do agree that people turning inward to spiritual growth can only be a good thing. Nothing like a little one-on-one with God to get some perspective that a middleman/priest/reverend/minister can never give you. 
Name: samepstein  •  Date: 03/10/07 5:01
A: I am also a Catholic and I love being one. I do not think it is appropriate to conclude that the Catholic church will take the fall for this discovery. We ARE NOT the ones who read the bible and take it literally. My priest has always told me to read it with an open mind.

I know we are far from perfect. The church has committed horrible, horrible acts of cruelty to say the least. I also recognize that some of the modern day practices are not "modern" at all but very out dated. The church is also good and can be surprisingly open-minded at times. Perhaps it depends on the priest, I'm not sure. I just know that when I asked my priest about this (b/c I was curious, not b/c I was brainless) he wasn't impressed with the evidence but is open to the possibility. He may teach "fairy tales" but he is willing to tweak them if need be. He is willing to learn and is prepared for all possibilities. That is not brainless. Ask someone that interprets the bible literally to have an open mind and my guess is that you will not find one. 
Name: Achaney  •  Date: 03/11/07 5:56
A: Samepstein, at times I can be anti-catholic, but in what you just said, thats cool. Todays problems are coming from the Protestants (book worshippers) which are totally divided even among and against themselves.

But if Jesus tomb is really found; which I believe, why even be a Catholic which is founded on Jesus very name?

The problem is, that the Catholic Church is the corrupted form of what Jesus really stood for ( A Jew just trying to reform Judaism because of, CORRUPT PRIESTS). Now dont you see this similiarity with Luther who tried to reform the corrupted Catholic church at the time, but instead brought out protestantism which is a more corrupted version of the Catholic faith? Dont you see the irony in that?

Catholics are doing very well in being liberal with the scriptures (such as coming forth about creation and related O.T. stories as being based upon older historical legends) but there has to be that one day, that Catholics might as well just say, okay, we are no more because we are really left wide open on being more liberal with are beliefs and we just dont have a leg to stand on! It just makes sense. 
Name: Jim  •  Date: 03/13/07 12:50
A: Sammepstein,

I am not Catholic, but consider myself to be a very open minded Christian. In fact, because of my deep study of scripture and historical/secular events, and the fact that I don’t buy into a lot of the B.S. that comes from the pulpit, I was treated as an outcast. An Elder gave a sermon on love, acceptance, and non-judgmental attitudes and I was elated to finally hear the real “Gospel. I confronted him with gratitude for the message and began to convey my deep-rooted disagreement with closed minded ecclesiasts. His countenance went from sunny to dark.

I then began to tell him that I see God’s church as much broader, based upon certain scriptures where Jesus says that He knows His sheep and they know His voice. To further support my position, I shot back a popular scripture that the church used to justify its exclusive position:

Rev 18:4, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

I told him to notice that Jesus calls even those steeped in the Babylonian “Mystery” religion as His people. My next argument was that if His people are being called out, how can that put them in the same boat as their status as “God’s only true church?” At this, he told me to “get right with God,” which I did by leaving and never returning.

I will admit that I am one of those “book worshipers” that Achaney so eloquently puts it, but that is where I found my liberty. By studying scripture, in context, and comparing it to cultural, historical, and archeological facts, I found the real meaning of what God is trying to convey, and it’s not what is coming from most pulpits. I am part of a church, but to agree with Achaney, we cannot agree on many points of scripture. I consider my faith steady, but my understanding fluid, where my passion lies in discovering new concepts and application of what the message is trying to convey. I find that many of my brethren are not in the same mindset, however, and that they are content where they are…which is fine. 1 Corinthians chapter 12 addresses these discrepancies, but Paul calls them gifts. Some have knowledge, others the gift of prophecy, some teaching, and the best is love, “For the body is not one member, but many” (1 Cor 12:14).

If people would only tackle scripture how it was meant to be read and do a little investigating of history and such, the world would be a better place. Why do I think it’s OK to have differing opinions concerning the Word? Paul said that things which are disputable should be left alone if it causes division. He further expounds that if one person esteems something to be a sin, then to him it is a sin and he will be judged accordingly.

You see, God has tried the verbatim approach with the Hebrew Scriptures to the children of Israel, and look where it got them. I think God gave us a little mix-up to see what we do with what we have, which tests a person’s character.

Mt 22:36-40, “Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” 
Name: justine  •  Date: 03/14/07 21:35
A: You sound like a "skinhead" Jaybo! If your not, then you are just uneducated like most people who hate because race,creed or color. The Catholic Church is over 2000 years old for a reason...we follow the teachings of a Jewish carpenter who told us to Love thy neighbor as thy self. We have had our share of corrupt Popes, Priests etc. over last 2000 years but you can thank the Catholic church for feeding, clothing and educating the poor all over this world. I dare say, they hope the church does not fall. We do many things in this world with great humility...as Jesus would want. Someone like you cannot fathom the depth of commitment in that love. (If this is the Tomb of Jesus and his family ,we would Love to make it yet another sacred place we Christians can hold dear.) We are the Living Body of His Word, we are not a Vatican, we are not a Pope. (Leadership and hieraerchy are necessary to get work done.) Spiritual growth is a gift of the Holy Spirit , it comes from knowing that Christian faith is showing Jesus' love in action.The so called "brainless" religion is rich with many past,present and future scientists, writers, poets, etc most of which would have a good laugh at being called "brainless." You say the "start of a great Apostacy" and I have to chuckle ....Answer this : Where would you be without the Apostacy of the Catholic Church? Just as I am grateful to the Jewish faith for it's Roots in Catholicism so should you be for the hundreds of thousands of Catholic Christians that died so that Jesus' message could continue through the ages.As I told my father-in -law who hates Catholics and Jews ...by doing so you hate your ancestors and Hate puts you in company of Satan/Evil. . 
Name: sage  •  Date: 03/16/07 4:33
A: Wow Justine...with your attitude and careless insults you shame christians everywhere. You say you follow Christ and live in his wisdom, yet you are rude and unforgiving.
I was raised RC as well and my family is very RC. I can't tell you how many hours I spent on aching knees during prayer circles, or how many daydreams I had during hours of prayer group! I read in the church because in BC females are not allowed to be altar servers, tho in Sask. I was allowed to be an altar girl. I started reading when I was 13 until I was 18. I started teaching grade one catechism when I was 17 and quit after the second year; after a fateful meeting with our priest. I left the church because I saw through the lies and politics and was left with a religion created by men, for men. The fact that there's a dress code for churches bothered me alot, especially considering god created Adam and Eve naked and it wasn't until satan came to them and taught them shame that they began to cover themselves. I had serious issue with the fact that I was not allowed to be married outdoors, because it was not consecrated grounds. Did I miss something or did god not supposedly create the whole planet?
Anyway the reasons why I left the church are my own. When I left the church I was somewhat lost in that I was raised with faith, and when its outlet was gone, I was left with all this faith and no where to put it. So I spent the next seven years learning as much as I could about all other religions because I needed to make an informed decision. In the end I found that my path had already been laid before me, I just needed to find it.
The original post is very interesting indeed and I appreciate that Jaybo encouraged everyone else to read more about the monk to form their own opinion. I would encourage the truth to be known, and we all know that the truth has a price. I for one will pay the price, but then again I have no love for the church so I would lose nothing. I am interested to see what will happen next. Thank you for the post Jaybo! 
Name: Jeff Zinsmeyer  •  Date: 03/20/07 3:12
A: You need to buy yourself some books and go to school. The is neither stone nor timer. Lift a stone and I AM there. Split a piece of wood and you will find me.

Me thinks thou dost protest too much and the rumors of Our demise are premature. 
Name: Jeff Zinsmeyer  •  Date: 03/20/07 3:13
A: You need to buy yourself some books and go to school. The Church is neither stone nor timer. Lift a stone and I AM there. Split a piece of wood and you will find me.

Me thinks thou dost protest too much and the rumors of Our demise are premature. 
Name: A.R.  •  Date: 03/20/07 20:42
A: True Faith is WITHIN! As those who read, compare the positive of all religions, they, in ways, echo each other.
Its only when the negative is instilled to DIVIDE all humans from each other. Is when the greatest demise of humans on this Planet will be brought forward.
Religion/Government mirror each other. True Faith lives WITHIN!

Equality (Fe/Male) along with all colours of skin, (for we all have blood that bleeds) start really thinking the Why - Who - When - Where - What, then we can truly understand our Earthly Existence.

But, again we are/have been blinded to believe, through history with criminal organization of Governments and Religious Leaders/Teachers.
(Their have been some very good Leaders/Teachers but they where eliminated for fear of THOUGHT).

Then why are some so fearful of opening Books of Secrets, Equality for all (Fe/Male), and endless other issues to numerous to list.


Education for all is essential without borders! 
Name: jacob  •  Date: 03/22/07 15:08
A: well said. the implications of this discovery should not by any means be percieved s a threat to faith but as a testament to the teachings of an enlightened man. there is a need for change in the church, but not a demoralization of the beliefs of so many followers. the masses should embrace the messages taught to them through the scriptures but on the level that what was said was by a man, a wife and possibly a son. personal spiritual growth has been lost on the idea of a savior.. re examine the teachings under this new context and reach a new level of spirituality. 

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