Name:jesusismysaviour87 •
Title: Evidence of Hebrew Nicknames of Mary,and James •
Date posted: 02/28/07 12:14
Q: OKay, James Cameron said in his little video clip that the tombs had "nicknames" of Mary and the other bodies that were found. But he simply just said this , but he didn't have any solid evidence that the nickname MARIA would equal to "MARY". You see anyone can make a claim, but you've gotta have the solid evidence, after all he's an archeologist right? Or is he a film maker? Now i wonder if he has solid evidence of himself actually being a true archeologist or not. He could just be some producer who's really desperate for Gold.
Name:Kerry •
Date: 03/01/07 3:07
A: Whether James Camerion is a producer who's really desperate for Gold is irrelevant. It is no one's place to judge him or even ask the question. Who are we to judge another servant? The facts and only the facts regarding this tomb have been presented. Whether or not they fit into your truth is up to you.
Name:hbic3 •
Date: 03/09/07 17:11
A: James Cameron is NOT an archeologist. Far from it. He's a film maker and a film maker only.
He's the guy who made Titanic. Whether he's an amatuer or self proclaimed historian is another story. This doesn't mean he isn't on to something. It doesn't mean he is.