Name:sevens •
Title: I think I know what the Symbols mean! •
Date posted: 10/02/08 10:56
Q: Hi
Ive been following the hidden tracks for a while that led to the discovery of the cities and paths never not known beforew as mentioned in Isaiah.
These cities come from the first and second epochs of our planetary history.
I believe the triangle circle checron point right to the beginning where the end shall come from and its all about the path of the tree of life through the ancient cities of the past.
The hidden track of the symbol starts from Jesus' tomb, to the great pyramid, to Babel/Dilmun and then back to Dalamatia City, the first city of the Sons of God.
Another track of the tree of life, after the rebellion started from Dalamatia City, to Van highland capital and then to 1stEden of Cyprus. The symbol that links these three cities is the co planar circles, related to the Melchizedek 3 cocentric circles.
The first city Dalamatia City is where the abomination of desolation occured, its is the place where the Lucifer rebellion began in the original triangle city witha circular temple in the centermost oif the city.
I discovered this city last year through the guidance of the Urantia Book, the Bible and from within in the triangulation that led me to the city.
Here is the post from last night upon realisation of what that meant .......abomination of desolation.
[quote]13- But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation[/b], spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) [/quote]
How I read the above is
there shall be witness
We will witness the the first place where the [b]the abomination of desolation[/b], occured.
The end is related to this witness and the [b]the abomination of desolation[/b],
When he [b]stand in the holy place[/b], RUN of the hills, this is it.
I want to say that there is no mention of Jerusalem nor of the temple in jerusalem.
All the key components are
the witness,
Information all over the world (internet)
the Kingdom of Heaven,
Journey related as a place of desolation where the first abomination occurred, the first place.
He stands in the holy place as the witness and reveals the truth of the places where the abominations occurred particularly of Dalamatia City, place of the first default written in the books and as a documented witness of all the thoughts in the timeline of the journey.
That to me seems the right interpretation of the above and has all the components in this journey.
Check this link out
I believe the revealment of everything is all to do with judgment of the Lucifer rebellion!
Name:sevens •
Date: 10/02/08 11:14
A: The thing is my 1289 days come up on Oct 18 where this journey end in the final presentation. My 1260 days was Sept 18th 08, the day of the meltdown.
I have been proclaiming about these ancient places officialy for 3.5 years with very little success, I have been standing in all the Holy places of the past epoch, paths not known by man and with little success.
Anyway this is probably the reason for judgment and the symbol is all about judgment from the beginning where our problems began.
Name:sevens •
Date: 10/02/08 11:17
A: Why is there not an editing facility on this forum?
Name:Judith •
Date: 10/07/08 18:03
A: Hi Sevens, I could not open up those sites. I am not sure what you consider the Abomination and I am sure there have been many.
Name:cbroe •
Date: 03/09/09 13:20
A: The secret symbol of the chevron and the circle could have more than one meaning. The chevron is an ancient symbol for a woman if it is pointing down and male if it is pointing upwards. If you look at the star of David, it consists of two triangles, on pointing up and one down. If you put the two together they represent male and female together. The symbol on the Lost Tomb of Christ is an early Christian symbol for resurrection. It is the symbol of the tomb of Lazarus who was resurrected first. In ancient times going into the tomb was very much like going back into the womb. The circle under the chevron is perfect and unending. It cannot be broken. This means that we are continually reborn. The circle may also be the entrance back into the womb. These ideas go back to pagan times and Goddess worship. If you go into the tomb you are spiritually reborn as Lazarus was. All of the disciples wanted to do this and be reborn. Originally, the chevron and the circle was carved in early Christian tombs with the body of Lazarus underneath. This became too hard to repeat, so they just shortened it to the chevron and the circle of resurrection. The bones in the Lost tomb of Christ at the entrance may be those of Lazarus or symbolize his bones. They may also be some sort of protective guardian set there, so that no ill will would befall those within. This is a most intreguing tomb. Notice the bump on the top of the chevron. I did not notice it the first time I looked at it, but I saw it as plain as day this time. The chevron is looking more and more like a woman's private parts. We have to think like a 2,000 year old person not a 21st century person. The chevron goes back at least 5,000 years on pottery. It was an early form of writing. We cannot dismiss the sacred feminine here. Why else would they have put a bump on the top of the triangle? I hope that the tomb researchers get this post. Thanks for your discovery. I feel closer to Christianity now that I know that Christ was married. Mary and Jesus form a complete union.