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Home » Forum » Theological Implications » If Jesus came back.....
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Name: Panluna  •  Title: If Jesus came back.....  •  Date posted: 03/29/07 20:21
Q: What do you think He would say about all of this?OY? 
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Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 03/30/07 6:12
A: The chain is key they say, I am my DNA, but even DNA, will twist in every way. 
Name: Shlomo  •  Date: 03/31/07 6:24
A: Jesus was a person who lived in the times of Roman oppression. He belonged to the nortorious rebel sacari sect of Galileans in northern Israel [ under Herodian rule]. He lived among the three cities of Beth-lechem, Nazareth and Sepphoris in the Zebullun tribal area. He was apprehended when he went south to Jerusalem [ under Roman rule] to stir the masses and was executed along with two other members of the Galilean rebels. His brother James took over the cause and denied his brother Jesus was a messiah. Will he come back? 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 03/31/07 14:44
A: Shlomo,
What is your source? 
Name: Shlomo  •  Date: 04/01/07 2:58
A: Panluna, I investiagted through numerous books on religion, history, maps etc. I will have to get back with you on certain books. But for now here is a logical investigative conclusion. There is an old map of Israel which gives a Beth-Lechem in Zebullun and a Beth-Lechem in Judea at the time of the Roman occupation. I think the church may have deliberately left out the Zebullun one in their maps to stay in sinc with the new covenant. Be that as it may, there was no reason logically during the census [ same word as taxes ] for anybody to leave the northern area of Israel to go and be counted/pay taxes 60 to 100 miles away when it was not required under Antipas rule. It was under the Roman occupied Judea area that this was required. As far as Joseph goes he may have went to Beth-lechem which was only 7 miles west of Nazareth instead of going 60 miles or more. Joseph was a carpenter and he went where business took him and Sepphoris, one of the largest trade cities at the time, and it was a steady business dream. Think about it and I will get back to you. 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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