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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Is the Media giving this a fair hearing?
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Name: Mark-Tao  •  Title: Is the Media giving this a fair hearing?  •  Date posted: 02/28/07 17:03
Q: It looks as if the media is giving greater weight to those who oppose the idea that we may have found the remains of Jesus and his family members.

In report after report I watch as an "expert" claims that the names related to this tomb were all too common for the age to allow any connection to Jesus Christ to be drawn.

The number 7 is an all too common number. Yet if your phone number contains a 7 in it, you don't dissmiss it simply because 7 is a common number.

In a similar logic, it is the totality of the information contained in the Jesus Family Tomb that has lead to the idea that this very well may be the tomb of Jesus Christ. This information deserves an honest hearing. 
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Name: malthos  •  Date: 03/01/07 9:26
A: i agree after any event something special is placed on the date the time the names the place and if anything can even remotly be matched to somthing lese then ooohhh its not coincidance then it was supposed to happen if we had only saw the relation before we might have been able to stop it
as an example the aberham lincoln assassination and jfk there are whole lists of thing that match between the 2 but noone really points out that umm they happend generations apart

sorry to get off the subject but of the few interview i have "seen" on tv i must say that the media is being very closed minded and very much against this discovery i saw one that im surprised that the scientist didnt get up and punch the host with the way she was making comments in religions favor then always interupting the scientist to give the theologion the floor to speak then instead of letting the sciantist a chance to rebuke the statements she would chaneg to another subject to allow the theologion another chance to speak i feel this is not a proper way to hold a disscusion in anyway shape or form 
Name: malthos  •  Date: 03/01/07 9:29
A: i agree after any event something special is placed on the date the time the names the place and if anything can even remoetly be matched to somthing else then ooohhh its not coincidence then it was supposed to happen if we had only saw the relation before we might have been able to stop it
as an example the aberham lincoln assassination and jfk there are whole lists of thing that match between the 2 but noone really points out that umm they happend generations apart

sorry to get off the subject but of the few interview i have "seen" on tv i must say that the media is being very closed minded and very much against this discovery i saw one that im surprised that the scientist didnt get up and punch the host with the way she was making comments in religions favor then always interupting the scientist to give the theologion the floor to speak then instead of letting the scientist a chance to rebuke the statements she would change to another subject to allow the theologion another chance to speak i feel this is not a proper way to hold a disscusion in anyway shape or form 
Name: Misty  •  Date: 03/05/07 7:12
A: I don't think that they were giving it a fair hearing at all. They seemed to be completely opposed to it. It is so sad....because...what if it is Jesus's Tomb. Just that remote chance. Even if I was sceptical about it I could not just turn away from it and ignore it because of that small chance that it could be. How can anyone do that. I think that a lot more investigation into it should be done and that it should not be dismissed like that. That is just being way to close minded for me. 
Name: nizack05  •  Date: 03/05/07 7:28
A: The media doesn't want to feed the Truth. Haven't you watched the news lately. Everything is used to instill fear in us, and controversy. 
Name: eks_spurt  •  Date: 03/05/07 8:01
A: Pardon my analogy. John the Baptist lost his head to this kind of fair. 
Name: Robert  •  Date: 03/05/07 9:05
A: Oh, yes, those "experts" the media finds; and I am glad for your sane reply. My rantings
at my tv set caused the picture to turn to black and white. I think I broke it.
Since the "expert" opposition on tonight's tv premier had almost nothing intelligent to say, I kept wishing they had simply been given straws and some paper for spit-wads. I was very angry. Ted K., what happened to you?

I am inwardly challenged by tonight's show. I am delighted that this inquiry is brought to light. I do not believe Christianity will suffer. But I believe people who are so very thick headed aught to suffer a bit from some light shining into their darkness. It'll do 'em good. Anyway, in the end, the truth is stranger than fiction. That's my belief. A door is being opened to something wonderful. 
Name: BlessedChildofGod333  •  Date: 03/05/07 10:30

This point about the Media is important.
We are so ready to jump..... yet we jump without facts.

And no.... that was not a fair debate. 
Name: mjva  •  Date: 03/05/07 11:01
A: When churches tell their parishiners not to see movies like The Da Vinci Code and Harry Potter (and they obey - because they are not critcal thinkers, Judy), of course they are going to challenge and debate these findings. Yes, Ted Koppel, what did happen to you? These are incredible findings WORTH complete investigation and fair hearings and fair examination. Let us find the facts and let believers believe what they will. We don't need a religious forum at this point. But we get one because people fear they may have been mislead. Yet, Simcha, I was disappointed to hear that the lost ossuary was documented as not having an inscription on it. What was that about? 

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