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Home » Forum » General Discussions » James Camerun maybe a muslim already?
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Name: roy  •  Title: James Camerun maybe a muslim already?  •  Date posted: 03/06/07 18:47
Q: He was describing below in his words how should a resemblance occured with Titanic shootings and getting privilaged by knowing muslim religion years ago.
Science serving the cause of islam?

The most recognizable and successful piece of film work Cameron has ever worked on is the retold story of Titanic. Cameron spent most of his time at the bottom of the Atlantic to see the Titanic's wreckage, visiting it a total of twelve times.

"IT WAS SORT OF LIKE GOING TO MECCA FIRST, AND GETTING RELIGION. WE WENT THERE WITH VERY SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES, AND I TOOK TWO THINGS AWAY FROM THE EXPERIENCE," explained Cameron, "Working around the wreck for so much time, you get such a strong sense of the profound sadness and injustice of it, and the message of it.

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Name: shofyke  •  Date: 03/06/07 19:05
A: if you are suggesting that muslims are trying to discredit jesus then i think you should read up on islam. they venerate jesus as a prophet so discrediting christianity would be discrediting islam as well. if this is not what you meant then i am sorry. 
Name: roy  •  Date: 03/07/07 10:46
A: Greetings shofyke,
I have no deliberation to discredit any great religion, that I have deep respect. They all point to and coming from the same Source.I ask this question as I read a lot on islam. James Camerun not knowingly or intentionally overlaps his claims on this religion. The findings of him may or may not be the real tomb of Jesus( personally I think remote possibility~ because if it was; it should have been known and respected by people for two thousand years). 
Name: shofyke  •  Date: 03/07/07 21:01
A: i see my mistake 
Name: hbic3  •  Date: 03/08/07 11:07
A: Not really getting your point or the relevance of James CamerON (not Camrun) is or isn't a Muslim as it pertains to whether or not this tomb and it's contents are real or a farse. 

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