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Home » Forum » Theological Implications » Jesus Tomb DOES NOT Conflict with Resurrection
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Name: Patty  •  Title: Jesus Tomb DOES NOT Conflict with Resurrection  •  Date posted: 03/10/07 16:00
Q: Mark 16:12 "And after these things, He was revealed to them in a DIFFERENT FORM to two of them walking and going into the country."

Shabbat Shalom,

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Name: lightwoman  •  Date: 03/11/07 2:14
A: I agree, Patty. It also explains why Jesus wasn't recognized on sight right away in many cases, or why he just "appeared" suddenly when the apostles' doors were closed tight (for fear of being hunted down by authorities). I honestly believe the apostles did not understand what they saw - Jesus' "body" may have looked and felt like flesh, but may not have been a flesh and blood and bones body - maybe it was something like a "light body" manifested to appear solid like a human body, crucifixion wounds and all. It may have been Jesus' astral or light body that walked on water. It may be something we still do not understand, and may be beyond the science and physics of the material, 3rd dimensional world.

Some scholars hold that stories, such as "doubting Thomas" and the risen Jesus eating piece of fish, were additions/embellishments (either during the oral tradition, before the Gospels were written, or edited into very early written versions) to refute claims by opponents and provide convincing proof of bodily resurrection. (This may also have been the case with the nativity/virgin birth stories, since that is not in all 4 Gospels -possibly added to refute claims that Jesus was not divine or was born illigitimately.) One has to remember that the Gospels are - to be blunt - marketing tools or propaganda designed to win converts to a new faith. They are not unbiased, and must be read with discernment. 
Name: Ouroboros  •  Date: 03/11/07 2:58
A: The gnostics did not believe in a bodily ascension either.
The gospel of Thomas talks about this I believe. 
Name: Achaney  •  Date: 03/11/07 7:28
A: Yes, I agree with you all. Besides, how many other great men in history went up in some form of ressurection? There was Zoraster and many before him as well. 
Name: Dennis  •  Date: 03/28/07 3:01
A: The whole Jesus tomb thing just seems so banal.

All those people who believed / continue to believe that it's ok to be nobodies, that God cares for them anyway. That God sent his only Son to be with them, to suffer with them, to die with them, in order to show them that even Death does not have the final word, that the final Word belongs to God.

And here this "Savior of the world" is "found" buried with his mother, 2 brothers, wife, prodigal cousin (Mathew) and kid. I wonder how many sheckels did that Jesus had in his IRA plan before he died ...

Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 03/28/07 4:21
A: As I age, getting out of bed feels more and more like a resurection. 

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