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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Jesus's resurrection: a cloning
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Name: Photo3d  •  Title: Jesus's resurrection: a cloning  •  Date posted: 03/05/07 3:20
Q: In 2007 it is possible to reconcile science and religion.
How can you explains bones in the tomb and the resurrection stories ?.
The science of CLONING help us understand that
"God" whoever he is, needs only a DNA sample of Jesus to create a "new body" and leave the old one behind as St-Paul explains in his letters.

"There are no miracles, only gaps of civilizations"
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Name: nizack05  •  Date: 03/05/07 3:50
A: Jesus has risen from the dead, you just need faith, no bones, no tombs. We weren't there. no one alive was there. Even if someone found a tomb that says "Jesus - the one from the Bible". And it has bones in it, how could you know for sure it was Jesus, there's no way for us to know because we weren't there. Just like creation and evolution, same thing, there's faith (for both sides) You have faith the scientists theories are true, just as I have faith Genesis is true. It's all faith no matter which way it's pointing. 
Name: Gerri  •  Date: 03/05/07 6:12
A: It IS possible if you understand that Science is fact/truth and religion is man-made stories - accounting of how the powers that were - wanted things to be idealized. ...written generations after they occurred. (Ever play "telephone?") Some Christians don't believe in creation - dinosaurs - ice age - evolution - they believe in the Kindergarten Sunday school Adam and Eve stories....about the Garden of Eden. Cool - then what are those big scary things in the Museum of Natural History?
How can you explain bones and resurrection - let's go backstage behind the curtain of the magic show - shall we? THE BONES WERE MOVED....they did not evaporate to heaven. It was also recorded that Moses parted the red sea - but then again - in those days - they didn't have Meteorologist Storm Field or Sam Champion to tell them was was really happening - so they said Moses did it - because 2000 years ago - when something had NO explanation - the explanation of God or miracle was assigned. 

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