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Name: lance kirschner  •  Title: Motivation  •  Date posted: 11/13/07 6:22
Q: I have struggled with my relationship with Jesus Christ all my life. I have tried on different perspectives, but none seem to fit. Who or what was he? I like to think that I'm a modern man who inivites investigation without taboos. I am a guy who believes he is decended from apes and embraces science. I embrace science or the search for truth and still manages to believe in God and his expression in the person of Jesus Christ. Afterall, the truth is self-evident and does not need defending. Only lies demand oppression and extremism. Much evil has been done in the name of Christ, but there is nothing attributed to him in scripture or tradition demanding acts of violence or hate in his name. For this reason I remain a student of Christ and his teachings.

I don't believe that Cameron and Jacobvici had any evil intent or alterior motivation in the making of the film. I think in retrospect they may have rushed to judgement and may have some regrets in consequence. Cameron and Jacobvici may not have anticipated the huge negative reaction from the Christian world.

They may have tought they were providing some service to Christians by showing physical evidence of the historical Jesus. The evidence they sought to show is the bones and last resting place of Christ. I don't think Cameron and Jacobvici acted out of malice, but may have done so out of willful blindness or ignorance. I believe that excitment and urgency played roles in breaking the news about what they believed to be a major scientific discovery.

It does not appear that Cameron and Jacobvici really appreciated what they were saying to Christians when they announced that they had found the bones of Jesus. Such a statement says that the New Testament is a fiction and that the resurrection never happened; consequently, there is no resurrection for Christians. They will know death and nothing else.

It is understandable that Christians did not greet this "good news" with any joy. I suppose many reacted to Cameron and Jacobvici with anger and even worse and this would have been wrong. In the end, Christians forgive. Someone else forgave those who acted out of ignorance.

To believe that Cameron and Jacobvici acted out of malice and intended to destroy the Christian faith would require one to believe these men to be truly evil. I do not think so. They do not seem to fear Christians. Maybe they both know something of the teachings of the man whose bones they say they found. I wonder what the reaction would have been if Cameron and Jacobvici had claimed to have found the bones of Mohammed? Would they have been as comfortable making and presenting a film about the tomb of Mohammed? I think Cameron and Jacobvici would be hiding out with Rushdie somewhere. 
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Name: Panluna  •  Date: 11/13/07 13:55
A: lance,
You might want to look up Islam on-line.Not all Christians are in a state of mental denial.The history making discovery of the Talpiot tomb proved that the people in the New Testament lived.You can look up the developement of the Bible and it's complicated history.Also there are many posts on this forum that shed light on this topic.I would only be repeating everything..But I agree with you that the authors who are professionals in their fields did their jobs with pure intentions.To me this important find makes Jesus and his family human and fills in the gaps and answers many questions I had starting when I first read the Bible 4 and a half decades ago.Yes the truth doesn't have to defend itself .All we have to do is seek it and then accept it. 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 02/02/08 2:00
A: 95 percent of the jesus stuff you can easily find is wrong. No wonder you are struggling. Please it you to see St Thomas. and Loa Zi. If you don't like it, live without it. 

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