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Name: BlessedChildofGod333  •  Title: REMEMBER THE SKULLS  •  Date posted: 03/02/07 9:41
Q: Look, THIS IS A MAJOR FIND. This tomb is UNUSUAL - in every aspect of the details.



I urge caution about making any assumptions about the relationships of these people and their identities until further DNA evidence can be collected from each bone box and hopefully from the bones themselves.





It is extremely dangerous to say that this is the same JESUS
box and the remains of "THE JESUS OF NAZARETH"
without first taking the DNA sample from Ossuary 80/505 -- “Maria” ,
the MOTHER MARY box and DNA matching it for maternal positive ID
too Ossuary 80/503 "Yeshua bar Yosef” – “Jesus, Son of Joseph”

Now when that information comes to light, then you will have a much
clearer picture of the family connection within the tomb.

This also needs to be done with ALL the ossuaries
and bones (if possible) so that any samples can be preserved,

Of course this goes without saying that DNA parental identification
needs to be established with the Ossuary 80/503 "Yeshua bar Yosef”
– “Jesus, Son of Joseph” and the Ossuary 80/500:
“Mariamene e Mara” – “Mariamne, also called Master”
with regard to the possible child
Ossuary 80/501: “Yehuda bar Yeshua” – “Judah, son of Jesus”

Also, on a side note, you need to address the interestingly strange sequence of events that cause the "emotionally driven" GLOBAL stock market to suddenly make an "unusually market correction" (down over 400 points) when the announcement of a "JESUS FAMILY TOMB" press conference reverberated around the world. And then when the Documentary was denounced "by authorities) then all was right with the market again....Look at the timing.... I did and it was interesting, Coincidence.... maybe.

All of this bears more investigation with an open mind. Asking for God in Heaven to give you discernment and wisdom is always a good idea, because He will answer. 
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Name: BlessedChildofGod333  •  Date: 03/02/07 9:43
Name: mehlisue  •  Date: 03/02/07 18:20
A: My curiosity is in the DNA testing. What are you looking for in the results?
What bloodline are you seeking?
What of the DNA evidence results that is obtained, will this change any opinion on the bloodline?
The curious thought to myself is, when the DNA results are made public, then what? How many alive today shall say, I am the bloodline of Jesus and of the Magdalene?
Will this make many believe they are some how a cut above the rest?
What contention will arise in "religion" over who is who and who should be given more honor?

In my own mind, it would not matter one way or the other if these remains where that of the family.
This would not change my faith in the existance of a supreme God, way of life and duplication of the life of Jesus as he taught, or stumble me on bit in the message that was brought. All Jesus brought was of great love to all and it did teach to remove the hypocracy from all who reside on the planet.

No one blood line is excluded from the promise of love and blessings, as the One God choses to bless all, good and evil beings on the face of the planet.

Name: Jim  •  Date: 03/06/07 9:01
A: BlessedChildofGod333,

I found your statements and appeals a bit of a paradox: on one hand, you ask for facts, but on the other, you ask us to believe in your argument because you feel Christ within you. How can you expect anyone to believe you if you do not present proof? After all, even the most devoted worshipers of ancient cults felt something from their deities. I am a Christian, but would never use an emotional appeal to sell my viewpoint.

Instead, I would defer to secular events and/or documentation proving the existence of Jesus, as well as the scriptures. Such secular proofs are found in the writings of Josephus (a Jewish historian), Roman records, and historical events. One may even refer to other religious compilations, such as the Q’uran and Jewish writings, to prove his existence upon the earth (Islam mentions the lineage of Abraham, Yisa (Jesus), and the “people of the book” in favorable light). Establishing His Messiahship, now that’s the tricky part.

Instead of appealing to your emotional certainty (which is credible as reinforcement to each individual as a “Must have” of faith), one must delve into the biblical accounts and compare them with secular records. For example: common knowledge does not dispute the existence of Christ or the fact that He was crucified by Roman methods. The question to ask at this point is “why?” Obviously, He was seen as a threat to the geopolitical system of Roman rule; but Romans eagerly embraced other gods and religions as part of their culture. In fact, Rome could care less about any religion, as long as it did not interrupt the flow of taxes and order. Because Christianity was actually associated with Judaism, now that presented a problem, for Rome had a constant issue with Jewish rebels.

The fact is, Judaism was the only religion of the day that proclaimed the belief in “One true God,” giving them a credible edge over all polytheistic religions.

Leaving the secular and delving into the sacred, with the understanding that Judaism was the only known way to commune with the “One God,” then certain credence must be applied to their writings. This credence comes by way of prophetic fulfillment, such as the proclamation of Daniel about the four successive empires (Babylon, Greece, Medo-Persia, and Rome), which was written decades before the events occurred. From this point, comparing the prophecies concerning the Messiah with the events of the day gives validity to the Christ being born. No other event in history matches so perfectly of the prophetic writings concerning this man. Even astrological calendars pointed towards a major event, where three planets aligned to form a bright “star” in the heavens.

To prove that Christ is who He claimed, one must look again to prophecies. For example, Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, which happened about 37 years after His death (Mt 24). This event meshes both sacred and secular, proving one another. He also foretold of His church being established that would promote a new and better way (just look at Christianity itself as proof here). In fact, the movement was so powerful that Jews were leaving the synagogues in droves. One must ask why? Christians were becoming the target of Roman sport and no end seemed to be in sight, yet convert they did. If Christianity was a lie, then why the martyrdom of so many that had met and associated with Jesus, if in deed He was a fraud? If His disciples were responsible for the empty tomb, knowing full well that He was dead and buried, why die at the hands of the masters of torture for a falsehood? The only logical conclusion is that something so insane had happened, that they were willing to die for it.

These challengers to the faith need only look into the events, with the “open mind” that most tout, to make an educated conclusion. Many have their facts wrong, such as Osirius608 believing that the four gospels were written 200 years later, and should get their facts straight before attacking other forum members. (By the way, Osirius608, it is understood that the four gospels were written approx. “50-100” AD [http://en.wikipedia.org/w-iki/Four_Gospels]).

Tak-e- nothing for granted. I once met a person that stated “I don’t know why I believe it, I just do,” when asked about their Christian beliefs. This is not biblical:

Act 17:11, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”

1Jo 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

1Th 5:21, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

I believe in the power of emotion as a personal reinforcement of faith. Without the “personal” conviction, there can be no true conversion. I also believe in proving all things and the facts of His existence and claim to fame are there, one must simply go out and get them.

The Truth is out there… 
Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 03/06/07 14:26
A: The skulls epicted in the Docudrama were a dramatization of the findings in 1980.

It is not known if skulls were actually found.

Jim you posted;

"The fact is, Judaism was the only religion of the day that proclaimed the belief in “One true God,” giving them a credible edge over all polytheistic religions."

The fact is Judaism evolved out of the worship of many attributes of one G_D into a ManG_D to suite the need of the sin of David and his relationship with Bathsheba. The Hebrews were commanded by G_D to remain pure in race. This was instituted by the Matrilineal / Patrilineal shared lineage of Kings ensured by both being Hebrew. As the woman practiced the ceremonies and rituals of the feminine and men of the masculine.

When David named his Son Solomon as the next King, it most assuredly would have provoked a huge controversy as heresy. Henceforth, the rules changed and Mans seed became more important then the egg that it fertilized. Thus the imbalance in the impurety of the race and the corruption of the true attributes of G_D as being intelligence and not fleshly.

Bottom line is David sinned and his people are still suffering that sin. He corrupted the worship of YHWH to prophet from what was percived as sin in the face of his people causing the idolization of a ManG_D forever cancelling out the feminine attributes/equalities of Creator, forbidding women from worship and deminshing the importance of a woman's intellectual being to nothing but a vessel for the seed of man.

Idol worship.

Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 03/06/07 14:34
A: One more thing and I'll leave this one alone.

Jesus is of the Davidic lineage. He came to Awkawen all that was wrong with the Hebrew ritual practice, for forgiveness of sins. He was Hebrew.

This should give you a clue to his true message and why Creator chose Him, a Hebrew to deliver it.
Name: lightwoman  •  Date: 03/08/07 7:13
A: Mehlisue wrote:
"The curious thought to myself is, when the DNA results are made public, then what? How many alive today shall say, I am the bloodline of Jesus and of the Magdalene?
Will this make many believe they are some how a cut above the rest?
What contention will arise in "religion" over who is who and who should be given more honor?"

This sort of argument comes from us humans being entrenched in duality/matter, the illusion/perception that we are separate beings, rather than connected, One in Spirit. We tend to think or react from the lower human/animal-natured self/ego (it either swells your head or beats you down), and Jesus taught us to raise our consciousness so that we think, speak and act from our true, higher, spiritual Christ-Self which *knows* we are connected to All That Is, as he did.

Regarding the DNA issue, I believe on the archeology program "Digging for the Truth" they did an episode with DNA testing to learn whether the remains of a 5th century Merovingian royal family member contained any Semitic/Middle-Eastern genetic roots - as a means to credit or discredit the folk lore that Mary Magdalene and Jesus had a child and the Merovingians of medieval France were the "royal" descendents. The DNA test was negative, no Semitic/Middle-eastern roots, so poof, there goes that story... (at least the Merovingian-Jesus-Magdalene link, anyway).

Interestingly, in that same program, the geneticist explained that even if Mary M and Jesus had at least one child (or grandchild) that went on to have at least x number of offspring, that after 2000 years in the global gene whirlpool, everyone of us alive on the planet would have genetic ties back to Jesus and Mary M.

Now there's a thought! So no worries, no-one could claim they were a "royal" or "divine" cut above the rest of us. But even still, it wouldn't matter one way or the other if Jesus did marry and have children - we'd all be in the same boat 2000 years later - we're either all related to Jesus or we're not! :-)

I for one don't think it makes one bit of difference whether the Jesus family tomb and ossuaries turn out to be the real deal or not. It was Jesus' message that was important - that our true nature is Spirit and that we are very much loved by G-d/Source; if we believe what Jesus taught and follow his example by living in Christ-consciousness every day, the reality is that there is no death when you are eternal Spirit. Physical death is the mere shedding of our flesh and bones when we return to Source/Love. No bones about it! :-)

I think the saddest belief we've been fed/brain-washed with over many hundreds of years, even before and up to Jesus' time, is that we humans are unworthy sinners, that we've "fallen from grace" and are separated as some sort of punishment from God/Source. I think this a belief MEN created to explain our feelings of separateness, powerlessness and unworthiness, but those are our faulty ego-based PERCEPTIONS. Jesus came - as a human, just like the rest of us - to teach us the fallacy of that belief - that we ARE loved, our heavenly Father-Mother-God-Source welcomes us back, all we have to do is CHOOSE to return and realize we've never ever been separated from God/Source/Love, which is always within us. It's only our thinking/acting from our ego/lower self and our faulty human perception in this limited 3-D reality called Earth which has kept us from seeing *spiritually* the Truth. Jesus taught us we ARE worthy and that we are ALL sons and daughters of the most High. The only difference between Jesus and us is our level of consciousness (he called the sad state of being "unconscious" to the Truth that we are Spirit as being "asleep" or dead"). Jesus managed to unite the divine Christ-consciousness with his human self while he walked the Earth. He taught us that we can also do what he did and more!

Wake up and remember who you are! "Ye are gods!" Raise your consciousness to the level of Christ - that is how we subdue the ego or "pick up one's cross" and "die to self" and then resurrect in our Christed-higher Self and ascend into the Kingdom within, right here and now!

Jesus's teaching were very metaphysical, had very little to do with physical or earthly matters other than we should Love God and Love one another as He Loves us (from our higher, Christ-Self). Be in the world but not of it (i.e., don't get so stuck in worldly matters/little details/laws/beliefs that you get lost in the illusion). Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's (worldly matters) and render unto God that which is God's (Spirit). The human part of him lived on Earth with us, and when he died, he likely left the human part behind (according with his own teaching! it's our Spirit that is made in God's likeness); it was his eternal Spirit (which we all ARE) that ascended from this planet. So it really matters not one whit if he left his bones (or tomb/ossuary) behind - or even children for that matter - for us to discover 2000 years later.

Maybe it's no coincidence; maybe God knows we're ready for some big changes, to shatter old, out-dated illusions. The Truth will always come to Light. Expanding one's consciousness to encompass new, multi-dimensional (beyond 3-D) concepts for which there were no words 2000 years ago just might be a very good thing for Christianity and humanity as a whole - as the Divine-Human-Beings-of-Light that we are.

Blessing, Love and Light! 
Name: Red  •  Date: 03/08/07 16:20
A: Here again........... The fact there were bones in these boxes does not stop anything. There could have been 20 people stuffed in these things.
Yes, we dont have the bones, and it would be nice to get them, but the fact we dont have them doesnt take anything away from the box's intent.
What we do have are the boxes with the INCRIPTIONS. This is what bases the theory. Why would an insription on a box read "jesus, son of joseph" if it was meant for someone else?

This Box was meant to store the bones of some guy named Jesus, who had an ol' man named Joseph. There could have been other relatives squeezed in there to save space or whatever, but the box plainly states that this Jesus's bones were there, at some time. 
Name: KRS  •  Date: 03/08/07 16:59
A: Red, the problem with the numbers has to do with the DNA analysis, there are some problems with the way they gathered the sample, this is only one of them. 
Name: Red  •  Date: 03/08/07 17:12
A: O.k. lets assume the dna is a problem, and it does not determine a relation, or non relation between the Jesus and Mary master. It would not prove the boxe did not contain a Jesus and mary master. The inscription proove that....... 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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