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Name: Judith  •  Title: Reincarnation  •  Date posted: 06/10/08 8:02
Q: Many believe that Jesus would return soon. There are Christians who believe he will come back but do not believe in Reincarnation, so how do they think he will physically come back ? 
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Name: Panluna  •  Date: 06/10/08 18:23
A: The idea of the Messiah was based on the Jewish prophecy of the end times for humanities reign on earth.Somehow Jesus who was a mere mortal became entangled in the Messianic prophecies as the Christian religion evolved.The impending return of Jesus gives his followers Hope.

Personally I believe that generations are the continuity of life so in a sense of the word our DNA is continuous in each child born.When it comes to spirit reincarnation as an avatar or a person possessed by the 'Holy" spirit then there is a good explaination for the transfiguration of Jesus or anyone else who achieves divine connection. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/10/08 22:36
A: Panluna
That is a most interesting thought and one I had played with as well. However there is still on or two verses pertaining to Mary's voice being identified by the Unborn John ( i.e. John the Baptist ) and the fact that the unborn infants seemed to recognized each other, while still in the womb. 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 06/11/08 13:30
A: The infant in the womb becomes more aware of sensations ,voices etc as it developes even though that baby cannot clearly define anything sensed at that time or even at birth.I read someplace that the Buddhist believe that before the time of conception that soul lives in a place of bliss,knows the life it will live for the brief time it occupies a body then moves on to the same place in death and is reborn again numourous times as any life-form--reincarnation---.When you meditated did you ever contemplate the navel and the impressions from your mother's womb or even 'saw' a previous life? 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/11/08 15:42
A: Hi Panluna
I never practiced Buddhism. I just asked in prayer to be taught the truth and quit going to churches of all types. Only one time prior to my 1997 experience , did I see what may have been past. I didn't much care to, for I had enough problems for the day, and tried to take one day at a time. Then again in 1998 while trying to learn a song by Sarah McLochlan, called "Angel" I had a powerful vision and felt all that person felt . Who knows what it all means? I don't. I think I heard that to, so may DNA is not so important, or maybe they chose to be born into that DNA? 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 06/11/08 16:31
A: Hi ,Judith,
I had a feeling that I should sit near the computor and check on this forum today.I had a second part to my previous post that I'm somewhat hesitent to add but I will do so anyway.You can color me crazy--whatever color that would be-- but please give the alternate thought about the truth of soul rebirth a fair view.

Anything about our origins and religions is controversial unless someone truely believes with all their heart and minds.Fortunately for me I read this elsewheres so I think can offer it here.

Based on The Truth Behind The Chrst Myth by Pinkham and a related website about the Kumaras I discovered an ancient theory that links astral-aliens and human souls.According to esoteric legends which can be found partly in Genesis and early Hindu writtings,Japanese legends etc.:

When "GOD" by any name (Sananda/Sanat etc) left their dying planet with 144,000 "souls",the book of Enoch tells the tale, they came to this planet bringing with them the seeds of life--in other words species from their world.In earlier times they walked among humans,guided them to establish civilizations and in their own way still guide us today.

A certain lineage that through genteics links descendents of this union still exists to this day.Now this part getsa little STAR-GATE like.There was a scene in STARGATE ,the movie ,where the white alien actually departs from the human ruler this "soul" possesed.

Atheism which states there is no soul,life after death or deities started in the ancient times with a Greek philosopher who was condemned to death for his views and it could be the truth about the after-life for anyone who wasn't lucky enough to be possesed or "reincarnated" by one of the 144.000 souls that arrived here 6,000,000 years in the past.

If there is any Soul-truth to this theory it could account for why people like Edgar Cayce or Nostrodomus or other people with psi-ability like Jesus are receptive enough to deal with that type of Holy-spirit fire and the majority of lifeforms only live the one life and nothing past that last breath. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/11/08 19:32
A: PanLuna
Interesting, near some of my visions as a matter of fact, but not quite. but I will tell you one dream in about year 2,000 . I had a dream of being with several men in a parking lot with real expensive cars, like Rolls Royce or similar. I don't know my cars. There was a man by each one with a turban and I was trying to explain Halloween or my concept of it. I sent out a note to each man.
I won't tell the whole dream here it is to embarrassing , but I shard it with my daughter and she said the notes I passed out may well have been from future beings, she referred to as unborn.
She was doing dream work and has gone to college and graduated with honors in Philosophy.
In year 2004 my son sent me a web photo of the home of Arabs , I think, and it was huge like a Mall, with a large parking lot and what looked like m y dream . Men in Turbans , one standing by each car.
My daughter thinks I was being told those special beings are to be born. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/11/08 19:42
A: One more thing, I happen to think she may be right and those so called star gates you spoke of are 12 females that I saw in some of my visions 1997.
All of them came from a different culture (i.e.race) and they had completed Union with that higher power. Each one had one male , standing on each side of the man on the throne. Behind them were Angels. The women were in a line all facing the same direction but moving in a circle dancing before the one on the Throne 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 06/11/08 20:29
A: WOW Judith,
That was some dream.!!!!!Have you ever heard of Shamballa? it sounds like you connected with a 4th dimension spiritual center.I found a website titled Legend of Shamballa.Also Mt Kurama Heart Light is very interesting. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/11/08 20:48
A: Sorry Panluna
I have never heard of that. I did not read much as a kid , I saw double, now that I am older it is WAY difficult to get good reading glasses. When I am done the the Jesus Dynasty, I may not do much reading.

I could tell you much more of those visions and dreams.
One I told to a Doctor In California, because when that Kundalini Experience began full bloom , I heard a womans voice ( I think it was my acupuncturists wife) Yelling "Oh, My God, Oh My God ( his name ) I love you. That is when I was going to watch Pink Panther 2:00 PM after gardening I began to climax and that went on for close to a month almost non stop. So much energy released from every pore of my skin. Like I said I didn't know he had prostrate cancer and I didn't k now they practiced that Tantrica.

Any way that Doctor said " I can't appreciate what your saying"
I said "Well Your wife would!"
He then said "Everyone has dreams"
I said "Yes, but not when they are in their front yard pulling weeds or just sat down to watch the Pink Panther". 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/11/08 22:10
A: I might add that the womans voice was audible and they lived about two miles away from us.
Although a few days prior, I heard a voice that woke me up and it was also a woman .
She said "He is on his way" But I did not catch all of it because my dog in the back was jumping up at my bedroom window barking. He barked a lot, but not normally at my window. We had a Squirrel that loved to tease him. 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 06/11/08 23:25
A: Judith,
Seems your senses got heightened when you practised the kundilini meditation and you hadn't quite learned to ground the excess energy.Ususlly drinking a glass of water and eating a piece of fruit helps also if you get another experience like that it helps to release the energy by sitting on the ground with palms on the ground and your feet on the ground. it's like you are pouring the energy back into the Earth and it helps you to come back to yourself.Yoga excercises helps to keep limber.

Sometimes when I meditate I don't want come back because the places and beings are so beautiful but I have responsibilities and obligations so I have to exist in the real world and look forrward to the next astral-flight.

The two websites I mentioned on my previous posts are really easy on the eyes.You can bump up the letter size for less eye strain.Sorry you have these problems.Eyesight is so important. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/12/08 0:16
A: Hi Panluna
I NEVER Practiced the Kundalini, I NEVER heard of it before, I NEVER heard of Tantrica Before, I NEVER Knew any of that existed, before. My husband had to go to a local Library to find me Books to Explain it. 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 06/12/08 16:43
A: Judith,
Your experiences could have been spontaneous.at any rate it's kept you thinking about it.People who used to be in deep thought were considered daydreaming and people reliving memories were considered musings.These are forms of uncontrolled meditation.I started active meditating several years ago after reading a book called ASK YOUR ANGELS by Alma Daniels.There's more control when you know where your mind's going to be.Synchronisity or coincidents are serendipitous or by chance.Everyone gets inklings or premonitions and follow gut instincts but reading the signs takes practise and knowledge. 

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