Name:guahould •
Title: Santa •
Date posted: 03/04/07 21:58
Q: I was just wondering if we all still believed in Santy Claus too?? Or did we finally become wise to the idea??
Name:JesusWasTotallyGay •
Date: 03/04/07 23:44
A: I love you man. Whether or not this documentary proves it jesus was obviously not a god or anything. It's common sense really. are there still people believing in Zeus to out there too?
Name:nizack05 •
Date: 03/05/07 4:06
A: I never believed in santa, but I do believe in the Bible and Jesus. No matter what people say or find, or who thinks it's dumb or not. But really this is probably not going to change anyone's mind, and if it does, they've probably been looking for a reason. But I'm sure this didn't change your mind and it hasn't changed my mind, so I'm wondering why we are out here trying to change each other's minds???