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Name: TAS  •  Title: Science and Religion  •  Date posted: 03/09/07 5:55
Q: First of all, I have never in all my years heard "christian" and "scientist" used in so many derogatory ways as they have been here. I hope this is not as open minded as we get.
Secondly, I consider myself a Christian. I believe Jesus to be the Son of God and I believe he defeated death. When I study I use material that will get me as close to his actual lifetime as possible. This includes scripture and historical data. Therefore, if scientists can bring me even a decade closer through their investigations they will find me a willing listener. These are persons who brought us antibiotics, electricity, and even the ability to communicate across the world. They are concerned individuals and they ask questions with immense possibilites. That's all I'm doing. I hope they can answer the ones I have no matter the answer. Why is it so hard to contemplate that science and religion coincide and are compatible? 
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Name: KRS  •  Date: 03/09/07 6:08
A: Tas, there is no real contention between Christianity and what we might term "hard science," or the strict application of the scientific method. Science is simply a man using his God-given empircal and rational abilities. The difficulty comes down to the fact that this technical definition isn't what many people mean when they say they believe in science. Colloquially, we use science to refer to the philosophy of naturalism or scientism. The difficulty is that people tend to confuse these two completely separate ideas, without maintaining any understanding of the distinction between the two. 
Name: chemba  •  Date: 03/09/07 7:21
A: Religion (scriptures) has more important things than science. But unfortunately both are going without any basic knowledge of ‘nature’. They are actually in out of program.

Modern science is to understand the true knowledge of universe as ‘how it works?’, and, ‘how our life work?’. Ancient science has already got the exact answers for the above questions. Scriptures are nothing but ancient science. But the people who are supporting the scriptures couldn’t explain that what is in scriptures. ‘Ego’ or false prestige are the main problem among the both the group.

We want to know that ‘how universe works? The scriptures offer us that in a poetical form as universe is our father, with the meaning of that father can make sons. Here, universe is compared with father, and in the same way we are compared with sons of the Father.

Now you read the following words from Bible,

Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

"He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Father is universe and son is Jesus. Even though we all are the sons of the Father, here, the Jesus is the only son: because he is the only person, who has got true knowledge of Father.

He is the only raised from dead. All those who do not know the ‘Truth’ are dead.

Jesus, actually, tries to expose the ‘truth’ to multitudes or the readers of the scriptures.

What we need here is a capacity to understand the real meaning of scholarly words.

Jesus tells us that if you can see my work, then you can see ’how my father works?. So at the same time we can understand the knowledge of ‘how nature and our life work’. Both are working in same manner. When comparing one item with another, at least we need to know any one of the two things. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to understand the both or one of them.

This is the main problem among us. Even though the fruit is in our hand, we could not taste it, due to our ego and ignorance.

In Bible Jesus didn’t ask us to follow him, but to follow his Father – universe and its work. But we are confused with the scriptural words as Father and Son with worldly father and son.

As saying, ‘I am doxy in orthodoxy and they are doxy in heterodoxy’, each and every one is trying to push their ideas to others. This is natural tendency of human beings.

For more details you can visit, , http://understanding-the-life.blogspot.com/ and many sub titles in it. 

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