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Name: nizack05  •  Title: Scripture or documentary  •  Date posted: 03/05/07 3:33
Q: No matter what people say I'm going to believe the scriptures that Jesus is the Messiah and he did raise from the dead. He was buried so finding Jesus’ tomb I believe is possible, finding his bones, well that’s another thing, since he rose from the dead. Even if bones were found, how would one know who’s bones they are? The truth is no matter who’s name is on the tomb, how many bones are found, you still need faith to believe in Jesus and the Scriptures.

Just to chime in on this I’m going give my theory. That’s Jesus’ tomb, but Jesus’ family was too poor they couldn’t afford their own. Since Jesus has risen from the dead he wouldn’t need it. They also said that Mary Magdalene could use it when they died, because she lived in the area after Jesus was risen and became good friends with Joseph and Mary. She wound up marrying a man named Jesus (4% males had that name) and had a son called Judah, “son of Jesus” but not the Emmanuel Jesus. – See how easy that was! I’m awesome.

As you can see, I’m not a big fan of this. The truth of the matter is people who really have faith in Jesus will not all of a sudden say, oh shoot, they found a tomb, made a TV show, and put up a website; I guess I’ll stop believing in Jesus. And people who already don’t believe in Him, well they already made up their minds and the only thing that can change their minds is the Holy Spirit. The cool thing is people who haven’t heard of Jesus may seek out the scriptures, and the Holy Spirit might work in their lives.

let me know what you think. If you're a Christian or not, has this site/tv show changed your mind? 
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Name: David  •  Date: 03/05/07 5:20
A: I am a Christian, and have been all my life. I believe in examining all sides of a story, not just a dogmatic narrow view, and then making a decision. I watched the film and am currently thinking about buying (but still definitely reading) the book. Yet my faith, is as it was before hand. I will believe in Scriptures over science and new discoveries any day of the year. If faith could be easily swayed, then how deep was it truly? 
Name: nizack05  •  Date: 03/05/07 7:08
A: Good for you, I've been a Christian my whole life and I believe in Jesus' resurrection - end of story. You sound like you're trying to be P.C. by labeling me with a dogmatic narrow view. What other view is there. My faith is in the resurrection, no way can a film or some guy who worked on it for 3 years say he can disprove Jesus' divinity. So if you want to label me narrow minded, then I'll take it as a complement that my faith is that strong in Jesus. I'm sure Paul, Peter, ect. were all labeled as narrow minded and crazy. That's what I love about Jesus, he wasn't so P.C. or trying to find a gray area in everything or trying to please all the leaders in the church or people he talked with. Think about the leaders in the Church, in His day they thought of him that he was doing it wrong. I'm sure Jesus was pretty narrow minded too, because he only preached one thing, THE TRUTH, no other options, straight and narrow my friend, just like my dogmatic view. 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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