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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Seal #1 of "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories'
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Name: Brad Watson, Miami  •  Title: Seal #1 of "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories'  •  Date posted: 02/20/15 16:20
Q: Seal #1 (of 7): The Conglomerate of Nonparallel-Universes Theory (Universe Creation Theory), GOD-guided Evolution Theory

"This universe's Big Bang (supermassive white hole) ~13.82 billion years ago, was the result of a supermassive black hole in another universe. That SBH & this universe share the same event horizon. This duality combines these two singularities in a birth-life-death-rebirth relationship within The Conglomerate of nonparallel-universes (multiverse). This 'simple' cause-and-effect explains both infinite space and eternity. Self-replication is the simplest design for everything from a cell to a universe to a mind. GOD-guided evolution includes panspermia, ID, complexity, apparent randomness (chaos theory)/purpose, sudden catastrophes, reincarnation, & ETs"

This is the exact wording on the cover of the 74-page booklet 'There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism, nonlocal cause-and-effect, design and alignment'. This is the prophesied "book/scroll...sealed with 7 seals"/'beyond Einstein theories' of The Revelation 5:1-10:10. Please see http://7seals.blogspot.com . 
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Name: Brad Watson, Miami  •  Date: 03/27/15 11:55
A: (tweaked 3/24/15 17:26)

Seal #1 (of Revelation's "7 Seals"): The Conglomerate of Universes Theory (Universe Creation Theory), GOD-guided Evolution Theory

"The Big Bang (a supermassive white whole) ~13.8 billion years ago was the result of a supermassive black hole in another universe. Our universe & that SBH share the same event horizon. That SBH & SWH formed an Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole). This duality combines these two singularities in a birth-life-death-rebirth cycle within The Conglomerate of universes (multiverse). This 'simple' cause-and-effect explains both infinite space and eternity. Self-replication is the simplest plan for everything from a cell to a universe to a mind.

GOD-guided evolution includes panspermia, intelligent design(58), complexity, apparent randomness (chaos theory), purpose, DNA, sudden catastrophes, reincarnation & follow-the-leader (God-incarnate), and alien intervention." 
Name: Brad Watson, Miami  •  Date: 10/11/15 16:56
A: (tweaked)

Seal #1 (of 7): The Conglomerate of Universes Theory (Universe Creation Theory), GOD-guided Evolution Theory

"The Big Bang/Bit Bang - a supermassive white hole - 13.8 billion years ago was the result of a supermassive black hole in another universe. Our universe and that SBH share the same event horizon. That SBH & SWH formed an Einstein-Rosen bridge (wormhole). This duality combines these two singularities in a birth-life-death-rebirth cycle within The Conglomerate of universes (multiverse). This 'simple' cause-and-effect explains both infinite space and eternity. Self-replication is the simplest plan for everything from a cell to a universe to a mind. GOD-guided evolution includes panspermia, intelligent design(58), complexity, organization, apparent randomness (chaos theory), purpose, altruism, DNA/RNA, catastrophism, reincarnation & follow-the-leader/God-incarnate, & ET intervention."

This is the exact wording on the cover of the 74-page booklet 'There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism, nonlocality, retrocausality, design-and-alignment'. This is the prophesied "book/scroll...sealed with 7 seals"/'beyond Einstein theories' of The Revelation Ch 5-8. Please see http://7seals.blogspot.com . 

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