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Name: Heather  •  Title: Secret Findings  •  Date posted: 02/27/07 17:51
Q: Okay. If the Jesus tomb was found, isn't that a good thing? And if they were found accidentally, isn't it a good thing that they weren't kept secret? We are just finding out about all these hidden religious documents. At least these findings are being revealed. We should at least investigate. 
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Name: Tara  •  Date: 02/27/07 18:02
A: I agree, I have developed a unhealthy compulsion of reading things on this site, and then the forum started.

I am a prime example of someone looking for answers. It truly is all very compelling. 
Name: MoShaw  •  Date: 02/27/07 22:22
A: But, as you may or may not know, the tomb wasn't "just" found. It's been almost 30 years. The only thing that coincides with anything is that someone recently made a buck with this theory (Jesus+Mary) and some more people are jumping on the bandwagon now to keep the cash flowing. No one would blink an eye at this if the DaVinci Code (a work of fiction) hadn't popularized a myth that no one has ever believed until now... 
Name: truth  •  Date: 03/05/07 7:33
A: Money plays a great part in the hidden truths. Church and State do work together when it benefits them. Read the floowing:
For years people have replaced G-d with Jesus. I think G-d has had enough. Is your faith so weak that the bones of Jesus will make you abandon G-d? The Creator wants mankind to serve him in spirit and truth. It is said, “The truth will set you free!”
I find it strange that Judaism and Islam don’t view Jesus in the same manner as Christianity.
Is it not strange that Jesus was not thought of as god in flesh until years later? No where in the Jewish writings or Aramaic text does it state Jesus is a god.
Many of you will say it’s because the Jews killed him. You sadly mistaken and mislead. You have been lied to. Hoodwinked! Oppressed Jews didn’t have the authority to order anyone to be killed? The following are a few points to think about:

1)James, the brother of said in a debate over Jesus’ doctrine, that he (Jesus) never said, “He was the son of G-d.”
2)Jesus was Jewish, Jewish men marry and have families. Does not the Bible say, “He (Jesus) would kiss her (Mary) on her mouth often? As a Jew he would follow the law, would he not? Kissing her outside of marriage categorizes of fornication.
3)If the truth came out at this time the Catholic Church would lose billions of dollars and go into ruins. The people would know that they had been lying and leave the church.
4)The Orthodox Jews don’t want you to know the truth because you may try to become Jewish.
I will gather them from the four corners of earth, saith the L-rd our G-d. Some who believe in Jesus will become Muslims and those who don’t, Jews. I will make him (Ishmael) a Great Nation, saith the Lord our G-d.
5)My father would say, “If someone wants to rule over someone else all they have to do is Feed them and give them Money. And if they really want them to do what they say, Take It All Away!
Think about it, need I say more?
6) The Bible say’s, When the Messiah comes he will bring PEACE. We have not reached that state. However, I do see G-d unveiling the hearts of mankind and truth replacing the veil. Love never Fails!
7) READ, READ, READ, in the name of the L-rd. He will reveal the truth! Friday sundown to Sunday is not three days!

Lastly, I leave you the reader with this question. If there was no promise of Heaven or Hell would you continue to serve G-d? You say Yes, but would your heart still love Him the same if there were no streets paved of gold. Could you love Jesus for the doctrine he left Knowing that he is not G-d in flesh? ( G-d is G-d. Alone There is none else.) You would have to learn to TRUST G-d and Him Alone as does the Jew and Muslim. 

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