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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Simcha's class, the experts lack of it, and other things
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Name: Jazzy  •  Title: Simcha's class, the experts lack of it, and other things  •  Date posted: 03/07/07 2:51
Q: Most Christians have a grain of common sense. My faith will not end if Jesus had not physically risen. My faith can accept that he rose in a spiritual body. I do not expect God to break the natural laws that he made himself. Personally it would strengthen my faith if the bones of Jesus were found as I would realize that Jesus is not just a story. The majority of Christians realize that the bible has been embellished over the last 2007 years, and are being misrepresented by the radical preachers who say that we take every word from the Bible literally. Most people accept that all the miracles in the Bible have been embroidered upon, however it doesn’t mean that God is not still creating miracles.

Unfortunately, none of the guests on Koppel’s talk show seemed to realize that the point of the documentary was to bring attention to the finding of the tomb and bones, and to show that the findings should be researched further. There was no need to tear apart Simcha’s every word to try to prove what he is saying slightly untrue. Personally I do not care if the statistics might actually be 599 to 1. That does not mean that the documentary has no merit what-so-ever and should be never mentioned again. I fail to see the logic in this. I wish the audience could hear from experts who are not related to the show, and who would like to study it further. It would be a nice change as opposed to the experts who can only think of porn while watching the documentary. I was glad Simcha had enough class to mention that he is not a regular viewer of that particular pay-per-view channel.

The experts also demanded to know why Simcha had left cliff hanger sentences before a commercial break. I do not see how that affects the theory or credibility at all. They said that it was INTERESTING and GRIPPING (how awful!) . I did not realize that things had to be boring to be true. In all seriousness I hope that Simcha took the statements as compliments more then anything else. It is not a crime to interest the public.

I also found the fact that they tried insulting him by calling his dramatizations “realistic” amusing. I did not realize they wanted to see Jesus being crucified in the middle of a disco club.

I would like to end expressing my desire for more study to be done on this topic. I hope that Simcha is not disheartened by the fact that both on Larry King Live and Kopel’s shows he was not well received by both experts and preachers. There are many more people out there who would like to see research done on this topic. I am sorry that the are professionals out there who do not care if there is a chance that the bones possibly relating to someone of Jesus’ family or Jesus himself might have been found, keep being featured on the TV shows. I am sure there are more open-minded scholars in this world. It is a disgrace that people are too busy arguing about nuisances such as whether his dramatizations were too effective ( Should he apologize? “Ladies and Gentlemen I am sorry I am a good film maker…?) rather then looking to see if any of the bones could lead to clues to learning more about the life and death one of the most influential men in the history of the world. Even if some parts are not completely credible or are slightly foggy the idea still should be checked out further, there has not been alot of discussion about this in the public both before and after and I think that should change. 
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Name: tony34  •  Date: 03/07/07 3:03
A: You know if he gave people some better evidence maybe he would have been received better (most of the proof he brought to the table was laughable).

One thing I think you are failing to realize though is the exact claims he was trying to make. When you come off trying to say the things he was trying to say you had better have some hard evidence or else you are going to get crucified. Since he did not come out with any hard evidence he did indeed get crucified. It was his own fault.

One thing I want to know is that in the Larry King Live show did he allow the critics to finish their sentences like he failed to do on Koppel's show. He carried out the debate like a junior high kid on Koppel. 
Name: KRS  •  Date: 03/07/07 3:10
A: Actually, your assuming that the case has some merit, the stats are probably ten or fifteen to one. I felt that the scholars were trying to go easy on him, some of the tougher questions that should have been asked, weren't. 

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