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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Staged death and tomb
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Name: clp3777  •  Title: Staged death and tomb  •  Date posted: 03/05/07 8:41
Q: There is little debate over the danger that people and families who were associated with Christianity were in for that time period. Wouldn't it be possible that for the safety of the people closest to Jesus were made to look to be dead and buried to help hide them from prosecution? 
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Name: bibleandkoranlova  •  Date: 03/05/07 8:48
A: Yes most definately . Yes but it would probaly hurt the message of Christianity . I'll expiain later . Im going to bed its late here . 
Name: mjva  •  Date: 03/05/07 11:24
A: no 
Name: Tom Powers  •  Date: 03/05/07 12:05
A: Please follow the dictum of the late baseball great Ted Williams: "If you don't think too good, don't think too much." 
Name: betty47  •  Date: 03/05/07 15:28
A: Obviously they were smarter than us because for 2,000 years, we've been believing their story and knocking real science when it differs from what's in the Bible. Virgin birth? Raised from the dead? Walk on water? World created in eight days? Don't we know better by now? If not, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Jesus said powerful things, but the myths surrounding him, may have been just that, myths. People need religion in their lives especially during births, marriages and deaths. Jesus has comforted millions over the years. His words can still comfort. Nothing changes that so let's find out what really happened. 

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