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Name: Nate  •  Title: THE TOMB WILL SOON COLLPASE AND BE LOST FOREVER  •  Date posted: 06/28/07 7:47
Q: If you read the JFT book, then you know that the limestone ceiling and walls of the tomb are so soft from water seepage that one can stick a plastic butterknife deep into the spongy rock with very little effort. Unless steps are taken to dry the rock out, support it from the inside, keep people from walking above it, and protect if from further water seepage, it will collapse very soon. Then, it's lost forever.

That's how these things go. After the tragedy, EVERYONE suddenly will have 20/20 vision.

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Name: betty47  •  Date: 07/30/07 5:04
A: That would be an incredible tragedy. I hope they can save it. 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 07/30/07 12:46
A: So do I. 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 08/02/07 20:50
A: Nate,

Very good. But practicality is somehow not the first inherent virtue! The evidence we have will likely be lost, and speculation left rampant.

Name: Panluna  •  Date: 08/02/07 23:21
A: Will they ever resolve this? 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 02/02/08 1:32
A: No. That's the bad news.

The good news is whatever is best for humanity must always be available at every moment.

Name: Brent Pearson  •  Date: 03/26/08 21:32
A: It seems obvious to me that they should go down and check the inscriptions on the walls before this happens. I wrote the isreali antiquities department demanding that they do such but they did not reply. I would be happy to put this in an affidavit to show that they have been made aware of the situation and choose rather to do nothing...THIS IS A CLEAR BREACH OF THEIR ETHICAL DUTY. THE WORLD HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW AND THEY LOCK THE TOMB UP? A SECOND SPECIAL NEEDS TO BE DONE AND EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE DOCUMENTED BY FILM. 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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