Name:MorDeKhai •
Title: The last days •
Date posted: 02/27/07 20:39
Q: They claim to find Jesus' Tomb. They say archaeologists, forensics experts, statisticians, etc. have COME TOGETHER to decipher "one of the greatest mysteries of all time"
sounds more like a circus advertisement to me.
Look at the motives...Follow the money...Do your own research, believe me there are tons of debates, theories, name it. The truth will reveal itself, no one will have to go digging it up.
I have a Question:
WHY, IF YOU SAY YOU PAY ATTENTION TO CLOSE DETAIL, DO YOU HAVE ON A WEB SITE INTRO PAGE A CLAIM THAT "An incredible archaeological discovery in Israel changes history and shocks the world. Tombs with the names The Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and Judas, their son, are found and an investigation begins."
"...Tombs with the names The Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and Judas, their son, are found..."
"Ossuary 80/505 was inscribed “Maria” – a Latinized version of the name “Miriam,” rendered in Hebrew letters. AND Ossuary 80/500: “Mariamene e Mara” – “Mariamne, also called Master”
BUT WAIT THE INTRO PAGE SAID "...The Virgin Mary..."
AND "...Mary Magdalene.." NAMES FOUND
Oh...and if this were a court of law (and since they use legal nomenclature)
CREDIBILITY is something you need. I found a little dent in that armor. I'm sure with your own searching you will find some too.
2Pe 3:2-4
"I want you to remember and understand what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles. First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire. This will be their argument: "Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created." NLT
2Pe 3:9
"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent."NLT
Repent! (makers of this film)
For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
A servant of Jesus Christ
Name:MorDeKhai •
Date: 02/27/07 23:55
A: Read For Yourself !
(no hyphens in link)
(1- hypen between "bib" and "arch" and 2 underscores)
(n-o- hyphens in link)
Name:factfinding •
Date: 02/28/07 0:53
A: The Last Days? Yes, we are in The Last Days alright. That is why this latest attempt at deceiving genuine Christians was predicted a long, long time no less than Jesus Christ Himself.
Name:osirius608 •
Date: 03/01/07 19:11
A: If you believe what you believe, why let persons who question your belief bother you? A truly spiritual person will recognize the attack, and not give it strength by reacting to it. I believe that is one of Yeshua's teachings (I believe in using proper names...English didn't exist back then did it?) And as far as being a follower of "Christ", if you follow all of the "holidays" dictated by the church, realize that you are following rituals that go further back than Christianity that has been disguised in order to attract people who are accustomed to celebrating those times for DIFFERENT REASONS. I'm not knocking you for your beliefs, for we all are on the same path...just different perspectives that is the nature of man itself. And until you can say that you were THERE to see all that you follow IS TRUE, stop SAYING that it is... for you WEREN'T believe is a more correct manner so that you don't get attacked by non-believers. If you say that you were there, then you're saying that you were reincarnated, and if I remember correctly, by Christian doctrine, that's impossible!
Name:MorDeKhai •
Date: 03/02/07 9:32
A: Q: If you believe what you believe, why let persons who question your belief bother you?
A:They Dont.
Comment: A truly spiritual person will recognize the attack, and not give it strength by reacting to it.
My Response: umm ok..I wont comment on "truly spritual person" though.
Comment: And as far as being a follower of "Christ", if you follow all of the "holidays" dictated by the church, realize that you are following rituals that go further back than Christianity that has been disguised in order to attract people who are accustomed to celebrating those times for DIFFERENT REASONS.
My Response: lol ...I follow Jesus Christ, not man...and who do you believe the "church" is?
Comment: And until you can say that you were THERE to see all that you follow IS TRUE, stop SAYING that it is... for you WEREN'T believe is a more correct manner so that you don't get attacked by non-believers. If you say that you were there, then you're saying that you were reincarnated, and if I remember correctly, by Christian doctrine, that's impossible!
My Final Response: it's called Faith (Faith-A strong belief in God based on spiritual understanding rather than proof.)
A servent of Yeshua HaMashiach
Name:guahould •
Date: 03/04/07 16:23
A: It is amazing that there are still so many beleivers today. Every one knows that we all came to this earth through a stargate!!!! (just kidding) But ??? ;-) I know that Noah is really my great great great great great ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,great,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,grea-t- grandfather just like all of us.:-}
Name:Achaney •
Date: 03/11/07 7:52
A: Last Days? Didn't you get Jesus message? The Last days are over Christians. His tomb has been discovered! Why do you think he said if any one comes to you saying here is Jesus, no, here he is, blah blah blah, that it's not him. Thats because he's been in the ground all this time ! The ground, you got it ?
Why is it only the Christians in the past decades have claimed Jesus is coming and yet he never shows? Who really is decieving?
Your faith is blind faith. Thats the only thing Christians can hold on to, is faith. So like the Mormons, who claimed that early Hebrew families moved to America and are now Indians, which dna testing disproved the Mormons; yet they still say they have faith despite the proof! Your sounding just like them because your no differnt then them.
Why would John The Baptist have his own Disciples? Let alone send them to Jesus to question him if he really is the messiah? Can you answer that? I can. Jesus responds to them in Mathew 11:5 these extra words, "The Dead Are Raised Up", but they are not found in Isaiah 61:1 which all Christian scholars say he was quoting from. Yet it is not found in Isaiah 61:1 nor the bibles of today, nor the Greek Version (septuagint) nor the Masoretic text!
But they are found in the Community Scrolls of the Dead Sea Scrolls that belong to the Essenes. Sorry to break the bad news to you.
Long live the Gnostic (wisdom) truth! The truth shall set you free!!
Name:pczerwonka •
Date: 03/11/07 15:26
A: I'll make some suggestions for you that will help you deal with this as it seems you are somewhat emotional and possibly narrow minded as some times "faith" makes us become.
I suggest that you don't mix history with your faith, or rather you should you should just forget about history all together. If I show you an orange and your faith tells you it's an apple it doesn't matter how much research I do to prove it's an orange, you're still not going to accept it. You believe what you believe.
Another suggestion I have is that don't believe everything you see on a website as the absolute truth. Unless you've received it straight from the "horses mouth" be aware of your emotion about what you read. I hope you're not suggesting to me that EVERYTHING in the Bible is EXACTLY as it happened. PEOPLE made the Bible physical to us. Are PEOPLE perfect? Your perception of an event may be totally different from my perception of the same event. This will alter the way we describe the event years later.
Whether this finding is in fact directly related to the real Jesus or not is not about Religion and it shouldn't be. It's about the truth. Science is always been about the truth. Don't worry Religion has done enough evil in our world and will more likely continue to and denial about "truth" has been common through the history of the world. I hope you don't think the world is flat do you?
So stop "throwing stones" at the film makers unless you know exactly what happened 2000 years ago and let them do their research.
A circus advertisement? You shouldn't speak on people's motives. Have you spoken to Cameron? Do you actually think Cameron's kids are starving?
Maybe we should all just strive to be better people like ALL Religions call for.
Just Relax and look at it FOR YOURSELF as entertainment. Your faith has clearly made up you mind for you.
Name:Achaney •
Date: 03/11/07 19:59
A: Right on Wonka! You tell them.
It's just like when they found other Men born of virgins and died for the world as well, such as Zoraster, mithra, and on. When confronted with this, bible scholars say that the devil went back in time and planted this false ideas in history!.
Name:Panluna •
Date: 04/06/07 18:49
A: Humans love to believe in the fantastic.
Name:Anchorite •
Date: 04/07/07 18:06
A: On the subject of History and Faith...
But when you make
'Tis from this to that
A building many pages
Is more than natural
A line at most
From dot to dot
Not yet a paragraph
A page, 'tis for sages
I dare not pace
In such a stately grace
A book!
Oh my!
'Tis a continent
A record for the ages
I glimpse and gather
But wouldn't crate
The million articles
The dust
And cumulations on it
The it
The its
Span such effort
My tiny soul, unrated
Could not contain
These aspirations
Of lifetimes