Name:Rawin •
Title: Tomb Symbol •
Date posted: 03/08/07 15:20
Q: I an not an expert, but when I watched the program and saw the symbol over the entrance to the tomb the first thing that popped into my mind was, "Dwell in the house of the Lord forever". The chevron representng a roof or house and the circle representing infinity.
Name:Achaney •
Date: 03/10/07 7:43
A: As above as below. It would be interesting if there was a second triangle formation pointing down, but I think it's totally represents the origins of something more unknown to us, something more profound. First thing I thought to myself when cruising Barnes and Nobles book store, I saw this book behind the counter, it was this symbol that caught my attention.
I said to myself, "Oh look, it's another freemason book I can grab!", until I read the title, "JEsus Family Tomb!". I was pitched hard. I bought a copy quick and I must say, "There really is something goin on!".
I see the origins for the dollar bill-pyramid and the eye- as put together by masons. I dont know why some deny this, probably to avoid conspiracy theories. Masonry is a good thing, they represent religous and free beliefs that Chrsitians just love to shred with their usual witch burnign tactics which really doesn't tell me they are loving people as there version of Christianity tells them to be!
Name:stevehartwell •
Date: 03/12/07 4:38
A: My first thought about the tomb symbol, chevron with circle, was how it looked like the Egyptian Great Pyramid and King's Chamber inside.
It's been proven that the King's Chamber resonates at the same frequency as does all life on earth, approximately 8 hertz,
and even the entire planet itself,
and the Ionosphere & Schuman Cavity, Plasmasphere, and earth's EM Field.
So too apparantly did the stones of Stone Henge, when all were still in final arrangement.
One theory of both the King's Chamber and Stonehenge is that both were believed by the people to be gateways to and from "the heavens" so that the living and the 'dead' could 'visit' back and forth.
Name:hhandrade •
Date: 07/13/07 18:19
A: O Tau
O TAU é uma cruz com a forma da letra grega TAU (T). Além de ser um símbolo Bíblico é a última letra do alfabeto hebraico e a 19ª do grego, derivado dos Fenícios e correspondente ao "T" em Português.
Na bíblia o profeta Ezequiel ouviu Deus:
Na Bíblia o "Tau" foi utilizado pelo profeta Ezequiel: "E a glória de Deus de Israel se levantou do querubim sobre o qual estava, e passou para a entrada da casa e clamou ao homem vestido de linho branco, que trazia o tinteiro de escrivão à sua cintura. E disse-lhe o Senhor: passa pelo centro de Jerusalém e marca com um T as testas dos homens que suspiram e que gemem por causa de todas as abominações que se cometem na cidade". (Ez 9-3,4)
O Tau é a mais antiga grafia em forma de cruz e significa Verdade, Palavra, Luz, Poder e Força da mente direcionada para um grande bem.
O Tau, é a convergência das duas linhas: verticalidade e horizontalidade, significam o encontro entre o Céu e a Terra. Divino e Humano.
Name:Panluna •
Date: 08/02/07 23:31
A: Read everything on the left side of the screen.It will fill you in.Also the book and the movie will clarify everything.
Name:eirini_cy •
Date: 08/07/07 8:39
A: it could be a greek Alpha....who knows...
Name:richard •
Date: 09/10/07 12:03
A: The Chevron is simply a representation of a triangular lamp recess with two simbolic jewish lamp holes one above the other. The lower circle or hole has been lost but look at the top of the chevron. That pointy bit is the top of a flame that has been almost lost. See and see the designs for jewish lamps of 70CE. A large circle and a smaller one. The holes for the oil and the flame. A simbolic sign above the chamber door to give light for the souls to see their way to the next world. See Carucci's Supper Of Emmaus. The all seeing eye in the pyramid. See the glow around it! It's a lamp! Light is the all seeing eye! Simcha, you mention the second circle in the book don't you! Well there you are! Draw it for yourself and give it some thought. That's what it is! It's no more than that. But it is beautiful.
Name:Tijet •
Date: 11/10/07 23:46
A: Nice! Of course. It also reminded me of the symbol on American money (I'm australian) that has a pyramid with an eye in the centre. Does anyone know what this means?
Name:Tijet •
Date: 11/10/07 23:48
A: for clarification, my last answer was refering to Rawin's comment re: "Dwell in the house of the Lord forever,"
Name:TheTruthInOurHearts •
Date: 09/21/08 20:00
A: Hey all There could be many meanings, it may not have a meaning at all, it may just be like a family crest or something. The inverted V and the O look like the greek letters Lamda and Omikron (sp).
Maybe the Initials of the the onwer of the tomb? I dnt know
There could be many meanings theories, etc.
Blessings to you all, maybe when i become a little more brave I will give my thoughts.
Name:Judith •
Date: 10/07/08 18:40
A: I had heard that Japanese Engineers were supposed to attempt to enter the Queens Chamber, that was to happen before the end of year 2008 and have not heard another word about that sense it was announced at the end of 2007. Does anyone know about that, and if so may be the answer will be in that chamber.
Blessings to all
Name:dylanrees88 •
Date: 10/10/08 20:35
A: might be a symbol to represent a house of someone,
an important people maybe
Name:dylanrees88 •
Date: 10/10/08 20:38
A: that circle...isn't that a shape of the thorne crown they put on Jesus' head before he got nailed on the cross!
Name:Judith •
Date: 10/10/08 21:47
A: The symbol of the circle it "With out beginning, with out End" Alfa / Omega and is also used in the Yin/Yang ,and is is also used as Oberosis , the Alchemical symbol. Most Jewish people do not place the letter o in the word God , it is G_d. for that circle has a meaning and to them a Holy one. The Alcemical seems to be making claim to reincarnation. If I remember correctly there is also the Bindu, in the Bhuddist belief and that is a tiny circle or spot.
Name:Gian •
Date: 11/17/08 0:50
A: The only thing the symbol reminds me of is a fish head. We know that the fish is always been the symbol used, why not in the tomp of Jesus whom is the head of Christianity, have only the head of the fish... not the body but the head.
Name:Hooter •
Date: 01/17/09 8:37
A: Its possible that its a astronomical symbol....
any of you familiar with the
You need to remember Enoch liturgy left a heavy footprint within the Gospels and first century Judea. One should step back and not apply modern Judaism and Christianity standards. Judea was far more diverse then.