Name:E-Z •
Title: Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir, Srinagar •
Date posted: 03/13/07 3:29
Q: Authentic evidence is given on the site pertaining to the tomb of Jesus being in Kashmir.
Name:alm786 •
Date: 03/13/07 4:07
A: Founder of Ahmadiyya movement in Islam gave the evidence that hazrat Bal in Kashmir is really the tomb of Jesus in late 1890's. According to the foot images in the tomb, there are the marks as if that person was cruicified. People of Kashmir think that it is the tomb of a prophet who came from israeil.
We should go and get a detail information on this tomb as well, as there is a posibility that though family of Jesus is burried in Israeil, he escaped and went to Kashmir without letting his enemies know. Ofcourse, someone had to be burried in Jerusalem as well, so that Jews wouldn't doubt the death of Jesus 2000 years ago.