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Name: vvk  •  Title: UNIVERSE IN BUDDHISM  •  Date posted: 06/29/11 21:22
Q: There is no single sutra that describes the entire Shape of the Universe and Buddhism. However, there are several sutras in Buddhism that describe other worlds and states of beings that occupy them. There are other sutras that describe the origin and destruction of the universe.

Buddhist picture of cosmos presented cannot be taken as a literal description of the shape of the universe rather the universe seen thru "divine eye" of the Buddha who perceived all the other worlds and beings being born and dying within those worlds where Buddha knows what state they have been born and reborn into. In Buddhism cosmology is explained in symbolical sense.

Buddhist view of cosmology can be divided into two related cosmology principles based on spatial cosmology and temporal cosmology.

Spatial cosmology which describes various arrangements of worlds within the universe which is consistent with drakes principle of finding extra terrestrial planets in the universe.

The temporal cosmology describes how worlds come into existence and pass away.

In Buddhism, Abhasvara worlds cover 1,000 separate world-systems. Above Abhasvara world is Subhakrtsna worlds with 1 million world-systems and Suddhavasa and Brhatphala world cover 1 trillion world-systems. This view is consistent with current observations of visible universe with trillion galaxies with each typical galaxy containing over hundreds of billion stars with each star having the possibility of having at least one extra solar planets.

The basic measure of time in the universe in Buddhism is mahakalpa which is known to be in billions of years or longer. A mahakalpa is divided into four kalpas (mini periods) known as: Vivartakalpa is the where the universe comes into existence, Vivartasthayikalpa where the universe is stays in an steady state, Samvarakalpa where the universe destructs, and period where universe is a empty steady state known as Samvartasthayikalpa.

Buddhist view of the cosmos is consistent with current scientific observations of the universe born out of big bang observed in cosmic background radiation and end in big crunch followed by a period of empty state. After the big crunch, Buddhism suggests a infinite continuation of cycle born and destruction of the cosmos with time extending to infinity. 
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Name: vvk  •  Date: 06/29/11 21:50
A: World View

The Universe (and all that is in it ) is ordered by impartial, unchanging laws. These laws have been operating throughout all time into the infinite past and will continue to operate into the infinite future. There never was a first beginning, and there never will be a final end. The Buddha further said that there are at least a billion other world-sun systems like our own, and as these grow old and die out new solar systems evolve and come into being. Yet unlike the laws of physics and chemistry, the course of events is not a blind matter of chance. Buddhism regards the Universe as a harmoniously functioning whole with a unity behind its diversity. Man was created by the laws of nature; the world was not created for man. 
Name: sam  •  Date: 06/29/11 23:56
A: VVK ,

1- In Buddhism cosmology is explained in symbolical sense.
That is what we call it "Philosophy" talk. Science never work in this way.

You wrote a lot about the scientific Buddha, but you could not support what you claim not by even one verse or sentence or a page from your book !

2- The Buddha further said that there are at least a billion other world-sun systems like our own.

Bring the words of Buddha to prove your claim. If he spoke it , it is written.

The discoveries of planets is growing [400 by now], NASA scientists mentioned that if the chance 1 per 100 billion, that there should be hundreds of billion of planets like earth.

Did Buddha ever mentioned the huge stars [million of the mass of our sun] , which we know today as the black halls ?.

It was mentioned in the Quran as an example: Q-86:1 -8
By the sky and the night comer
And what can make you know what is the night comer?
There is no soul but that it has over it a protector.
Indeed, HE [ALLAH], to return him, is able.

Why Allah gave a star as example ?, because Allah knows the power of that star which not even the light can escape from it, so no soul will ever escape from Allah.

Also the Quran mention in detail the birth of the human from the first moment until his birth [ i will talk about it in my next post] 
Name: vvk  •  Date: 06/30/11 19:40
A: The Bhagavat said to Shariputra: "Do you know that if you travel westwards from here, passing a hundred thousand kotis of nayutas of Buddha-lands, you come to the land called 'Utmost Bliss' (Amitabha sutra).

The Buddha told Manjusri, "Passing from here to the east, beyond Buddhalands numerous as the sand grains in ten Ganges rivers, is a world called `Pure Vaidurya. (Medicine Sutra).

At that time, the Buddha’s mother, Lady Maya, placed her palms together respectfully and asked Earth Store Bodhisattva, “Great Sage, could you tell us about the different kinds of karma that beings of Jambudvipa create, and the resulting retributions that they undergo?”

Earth Store replied, “There are millions of worlds and lands that may or may not have women, may or may not have hells, may or may not have the Buddhadharma, and so forth up to having or not having Hearers and Pratyekabuddhas. Since the worlds differ, the retributions in the hells also differ.”( Earth Store Sutra).

Name: vvk  •  Date: 07/01/11 1:23
A: Modern Cosmology and Buddhism
Shuichi Yamamoto and
Victor S. Kuwahara
SINCE ancient times, human beings have always pondered philosophical
questions relating to living organisms, the planet Earth and the
universe itself. What is life? Are human beings special living organisms?
What is that twinkling star in the night sky? What is the universe?
How big is the universe and where does it begin and end? These are just
a few questions. However, these questions can hardly be answered yet.
That is, life, the earth, and the universe are still deep with mysteries in
modern day science. In this article, we would like to explore the topic of
the universe and compare modern cosmology with Buddhist cosmology.
Inflationary Big Bang Theory
The most accepted theory in cosmology today is the Inflationary Big
Bang theory. This theory about how the universe was born is supported
by two specific observations describing the expansion of the universe
and its background radiation.
The expansion of the universe is considered the single most important
observation in the Big Bang theory. This observation is known as Hubble’s
law. Hubble discovered in 1929 that there is a particular proportion
between the magnitude of red-shift and the distance between the Earth
and galaxies. In other words, the larger the expansions of wavelength
towards the red end of the spectrum (red-shift), the faster the expansion
rate of the galaxy. It is understood that the larger the distance of a galaxy
from Earth, the faster the galaxy moves away from the planet. In short,
this phenomenon describes that the universe is expanding.
A. A. Penzias and R. W. Wilson discovered background radiation
(cosmic microwaves) in space in 1965. This is electromagnetic radiation
which exists in all directions in the universe and has a spectral peak at
1–2 mm in the electromagnetic wavelength spectrum. It is sometimes
referred to as cosmic background radiation since it fills the entire uniMODERN
verse and all of the background of space. Background radiation has two
important attributes: 1) background radiation in the universe is extremely
uniform without a particular directionality and 2) it accounts for the
relatively stable temperature of the universe at 2.7 K or –270ºC.
The Big Bang theory is a method of recovering the history of the universe
by returning to the origin of the universe which is theoretically
expanding today. Further, the following facts have been recently
clarified by observations from the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe) satellite. They are, 1) the history of the universe is
about 13.7 billion years old, 2) at about 380,000 years after the universe
was born in exponential expansion, the background radiation was dispersed,
3) the universe is geometrically flat (this is described later), and
4) at about 200 million years after the universe started, the first stars and
galaxies were born. The most interesting findings from the WMAP is
that the universe, aside from all of the galaxies, is comprised of substantial
proportions of baryonic material, unknown matter (dark matter) and
mysterious energy (dark energy) which are not easily observed. As a
result, it is speculated that the universe is comprised of 4% so-called
baryonic material, 23% dark matter and 73% dark energy. Unfortunately,
the problem is that the universe is mostly comprised of dark matter
and energy that cannot be easily observed.
Steady-State Cosmology
Another cosmology theory besides the Big Bang theory exists. This theory
is called the Steady State theory which was advocated in 1948 by
Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, and Hellman Bondi. This cosmology, unlike
the Big Bang theory, suggests that the universe has fundamentally
always had the same appearance up to the present time. The feature of
this cosmology is that there is neither a beginning nor an end in the universe.
In this scenario, the universe is naturally expanding. The universe
generally appears the same whenever newly-born stellar bodies expand
and fill the universe. Thus, there is always a constant balance between
matter and energy in space.
The steady state cosmology has recently evolved into the quasi-steady
state cosmology which explains prior unexplained phenomena. The
quasi-steady state cosmology asserts that many small-scale mini-bangs
occur continuously with the passing of time. Since the appearance of
matter and energy from nothing appears similar to that of the Big Bang
theory, the quasi steady state theory is a mini-inflation concept. The
observed background radiation is explained by minute dust particles of
iron or carbon that exists innumerably in the universe between galactic
systems and emits light by low temperature degree.
Problems of Modern Cosmology
Between the two current cosmologies, the Big Bang theory is overwhelmingly
supported. However, each cosmology also has respective
problems that need to be addressed and solved.
According to the Big Bang theory, the universe is comprised of two
competing energy sources. One is the energy from the initial explosion
by the Big-Bang, that is, the energy of expansion, and the other energy
is that of gravity within the expansion such as gravity found in galaxies,
that is, the energy of contraction or shrinkage. The universe becomes
geometrically flat if these two energies are balanced and expanding. The
expansion is expected to stop after an infinite amount of time. On the
other hand, if the energy of the expansion is larger than that of gravity, it
becomes an open universe. The universe would keep expanding in this
case through all eternity. Adversely, if the energy of gravity is larger
than the energy of the expansion, it becomes a closed universe. In this
case, the universe will contract and shrink over time and finally settle
towards a single point. This is called the Big Crunch. The current observations
support the idea that the energy of a geometrically flat universe
is balanced by expansion (Big Bang) energy and shrinkage (gravitational)
energy. In both the inflationary Big Bang theory and the quasi-steady
state theory cosmology, the universe is expanding. The problems with
these two theories lie in the explanation of the red-shift of energy from
galaxies. Both theories assume that the red-shift phenomenon is attributed
to expansive movement. However, there are other possible explanations
for the red-shift phenomena such as the natural diminish (loss of
energy) of light or red-shift due to contraction.
In addition, there is another problem. The biggest problem common
to both cosmologies is the simple creation of matter in the vacuum of
space. In the inflationary Big Bang theory, the idea is that the entire universe
was created from a vacuum of nothing 13.7 billion years ago while
the quasi-steady state cosmology suggests that matter is created constantly
in the vacuum of space. To put this simply, there is no difference
in the conceptualization of matter from a vacuum of nothing.
The biggest problem for inflationary Big Bang cosmology is the existence
of dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter and dark energy are
not necessarily relevant in the quasi-steady state theory since the universe
has not changed over time. However, calculations of the mass-balMODERN
ance of the universe suggest that the mass of galaxies (gravity) is less
than that of the expansion energy. This anomaly is not possible in
physics. Thus, most astrophysicists attribute the compensation to the
mass of dark energy and dark matter. In other words, it is necessary to
assume that the dark matter and the dark energy compensate for the in
equality in balance. Thus, the two cosmologies are difficult to confirm
based on these discrepancies.
Cosmological and Anthropic Principles
There are philosophical cosmologies besides that of scientific cosmology.
These are cosmological and anthropic principles.
In the case of the cosmological principle, the universe does not have a
special place, that is, it is uniform and does not have direction. In this
case, human beings are merely a product in the history of the universe.
On the other hand, the anthropic principle requires a reason for the existence
of human beings in the present state of the universe. In this case,
the universe is suitable for human beings. If this were not the case then
the principle stands at the logical deduction that human beings cannot
observe the universe or the universe is unobservable.
In 1957 Robert H. Dicke suggested the age of the present universe at
13.7 billion years old. The calculation of this age was partly related to
the scientific experiences of human existence. In other words, the age
should range within an extent of ten billion years old based on the
human experience that heavy elements such as carbon could not have
been made if the universe were too young. Further, if the age of the universe
were too old, stable planet systems would no longer exist. However,
when considering the age of the universe, we must also take into
account the bias or privileged conditions of the human existence. In
1974 Brandon Carter advanced Dicke’s argument suggesting that if
intelligent organisms such as human beings did not exist then the universe
could not be readily observed and therefore not exist. This is the
concept of anthropic principle. That is, the universe exists because an
observer exists at a particular epoch, and the universe must have structure
so that intelligence (human beings) can exist.
From the standpoint of anthropic principle, this universe is miraculously
well-balanced. This balance is based on blended scientific observations
and scientific theories. For example, if the physical constants in
nature (dimensionless physical constants) were variable in time and
space, then life on the planet could not exist and even a fixed star could
not exist. The possibilities in the universe, e.g. the physical constants in
nature, are not uniform and thus space could not be three dimensional.
However, why does the universe have a suitable structure for generating
a high-degree living organism (intelligence)? Steven W. Hawking suggested
that our universe is neither open nor closed, but exists with
no-boundaries in space and time. He discusses that although we can
envision various possible universes, the expansion of the universe is
mysteriously balanced. If the universe were expanding too quickly and
powerfully, then living organisms and galactic bodies could not evolve
in time, yet if the universe were expanding too slowly and weakly then
living organisms and galactic bodies could not yet exist. The only certainty
from this deduction is that the universe is keenly balanced for the
existence of life and planetary bodies.
Buddhist Cosmology
The most interesting aspects of self-consistent ancient Indian Buddhist
cosmology are the conceptualizations of vast space, incomprehensible
time and the considerations of life existence. Buddhist cosmology is
well expressed in a category of Buddhist scriptures that explains all
worldly phenomena called the Abhidharmakoßa-bhásya by Vasubandhu
(Seshin) in 5 A.D. The vast cosmology is described allegorically where
Mt. Sumeru (Shumisen) is located at the center amongst a ring of seven
mountains ranges and dividing seas. There are also four continents surrounding
the rings of mountain ranges and seas. Human beings live on
one of the four continents shaped in the form of a trapezoid called the
Embudai (Senbushu). The world of the Hell exists vertically under the
Embudai continent, while Heaven (Ten) and Meditator (Zenjo-sha)
exists vertically above it. The sun and moon rotate around the entire
one-world system.
The allegoric concept of the one-world system in Buddhism with Mt.
Sumeru at its center extends 13 million Yojana (Yujun) or 90 million km,
which is comparable to the distance between the Earth and Sun. This is
in exact accordance with our solar system both in name and reality. Further,
1000 one-world systems are called a small-thousand-world system,
1000 small-thousand-world systems are called a medium-thousandworld-
system, and 1000 medium-thousand-world systems are called a
large-thousand-world system. This system is called a three-thousandworld
system which equates to 1 billion one-world systems! The galaxy
including our solar system has about 200 billion fixed stars. There may
be several hundred million planet systems in the galaxy. In this sense,
the galaxy corresponds to the medium-thousand-world system in BudMODERN
dhism and the large-thousand-world system may correspond to the
whole universe. There is no other ancient cosmology that grasps the
vastness of the universe like Buddhism at a time when scientific knowledge
was non-existent. When considering other ancient cosmology, i.e.
ancient Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, and China, we find that these cultures
were only able to grasp a limited one world centered on the planet Earth.
In comparison, Buddhist cosmology is astronomically robust.
There are other concepts of worlds and universes in Buddhism. For
example, allegorically Aksobhya-buddha (Ashuku-butsu) lives in the
Abhirata-buddha land (Myoki-koku) located one thousand Buddha lands
to the east of the planet Earth, Amitabha-buddha (Amida-butsu) lives in
the Sukhavati land (Gokuraku-jodo) 10 trillion Buddha lands to the west
while Bhaisajya-guru (Yakushi-nyorai) lives in the VaidËryanirbhåsa
land (Joruri-sekai) over ten Ganga-nadi-valuka (Gogasha) Buddha lands
to the east. Here the distance of Ganga-nadi-valuka Buddha lands is 1052
which is equivalent to the number of sand granules in the Ganges River.
Current cosmology suggests there are 200 billion galaxies each of which
includes the 200 billion fixed stars. Therefore, there are 4��1022 fixed
stars. In short, the universal view of the Buddha land suggested in Buddhism
grasps a far larger world than those prescribed by modern science.
One concept in present cosmology is the idea of a multi-dimensional
cosmology which includes many universes. Thus, Buddhist cosmology
can be said to be most similar to or resemble the multi-dimensional
Buddhism also discusses the concept of the time continuum using the
four kalpa periods, i.e., jo-ko, ju-ko, e-ko and kuu-ko which are the four
steps from construction to destruction of a star, galaxy and universe.
Individually, they are; jo-ko: a period of creation, ju-ko: a period of continuity
at a stable state, e-ko: a period of destruction, and kuu-ko: a period
of transition in a state of emptiness. Each period is 20 kalpas. The
term kalpas literally means a very long time in Buddhism, but in Hinduism
it means 4.32 billion years. From this context, each step or period
is about 80 billion years equating to a full cycle at 320 billion years,
which is an extremely long time. These four periods are one cycle and
continues eternally; the history from creation to extinction drawn in
Buddhism. Therefore, the period from creation to extinction of the universe
in Buddhism is about 13.7 billion years in accordance with modern
Here it is important to note some interesting points about the relationship
between life and the four kalpa periods. During the pre- jo-ko stage
a faint wind begins to blow creating a one-world system with Mt.
Sumeru at the center. The faint wind is generated from the karma of sentient
beings. Once the one-world system is created the sentient beings
are reborn, returning and descending, for example, from heaven or the
kuu-ko stage. When all sentient beings are reborn from the e-ko stage
via the kuu-ko stage, the jo-ko is completed. In Buddhism, the expression
of the faint wind is the force of increasing karma, the common
karma of sentient beings which creates their own environment, such as a
planet, a star, a galaxy and the universe. Furthermore, the living entity is
constructed by the five aggregates (i.e., body, mind and their behaviors
of sentient being) from individual karma. In the Buddhism, the body and
mind of life is temporarily harmonized.
The inflationary Big Bang theory described in modern cosmology
adheres to a linear method of conception, because the open or flat universe
in the theory has a starting point. On the other hand, a closed universe
would be an oscillating enigma which repeats the expansion and
contraction cycle eternally; the universe would restart at the turning
point of the Big Crunch. However, based on recent observations it
appears as though the closed universe is not a possibility. The quasisteady
state cosmology continuing in a constant condition is similar to
that of Buddhist cosmology not having a beginning or an end. Buddhism
is circular in thought due to the fact that the four kalpas in stars and
galaxies repeat. Therefore, Buddhist cosmology might be similar to the
quasi-steady state cosmology. Whether it is true or not, it is interesting
to ponder why ancient people in India were been able to recognize such
expansive world-systems and incomprehensible time continuums. Perhaps,
it might not be that ancient India recognized it physically, but that
they were able to perceive inconceivable worlds through the connection
between the spiritual world and the universe.
There is a large difference between modern cosmology and Buddhist
cosmology. While science is fixed on the functionality and creation of
matter, Buddhism is focused on the life-centric view. A life in Buddhism
does not necessarily point only to a living entity, but also characterizes
life force as a fundamental power or principle. Modern science investigates
all phenomena from the perspective of the evolution of matter in
cosmology. This is the cosmological principle. However, there is actually
a large gap between material (matter) and life (living entities), and
science has yet to resolve this gap. In other words, science is tasked to
solve very large universal questions from only the viewpoint of the evoMODERN
lution of material. The anthropic principle, categorically evaluates
human beings or intelligence. This principle standpoint is different from
that of Buddhism by evaluating intelligence or human beings only,
because Buddhism formulates a life-centric view.
The perspective of life and the universe in Buddhism positions life at
the center of everything. In Buddhism, since the universe and the Earth
are the environment for sentient beings, they are constructed by the
common karma of the sentient beings themselves. The theory of “the
Earth as Gaia” by Lovelock in 1979 is similar to that of Buddhism. In
the hypothesis of Gaia, life on Earth controls the environment and creates
a suitable environment on the planet. In Buddhism, life activity is
not only regulated by materials (matter) recognized by science, but that
individual karma (life activity) also regulates and produces life itself
from material accumulated in the environment. Therefore, the concept
of karma persistently plays a central role in the functioning of the universe.
Buddhism has the depth to explain well the functionality and
importance of life and the environment in parallel with scientific evidence.
In that sense, modern times may require a conversion of ideals. 

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