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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Wall inscription at the end of the movie...
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Name: Witness  •  Title: Wall inscription at the end of the movie...  •  Date posted: 02/11/09 23:12
Q: Anyone know what the inscription they found on the wall means? Bothered me that they never translated it in the movie. 
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Name: Judith  •  Date: 02/12/09 8:36
A: Hello Witness
That inscription baffled me to. I think there must have been a photo or they took paper and did a rub imprint. I would have, if it was me doing that investigation. There must be more but I doubt we will hear about if right away. They knew their time was limited, that would have been at the top of my list of "Things to do Today". 
Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 05/02/09 14:50
A: .

Speaking of symbols on walls in movies,

have you ever noticed the symbols on the wall in the
appartment of Sharon Golban in the movie "The Body"?

This movie character initials are SG.



Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 05/02/09 14:55
A: And speaking of character names and real people,
the character of Jake Drum (Kathy Reich books), if you speak French,
reminds me of the name of another real person. 

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