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Home » Forum » General Discussions » What you HAVE NOT been told...yet again.
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Name: Nate Spain  •  Title: What you HAVE NOT been told...yet again.  •  Date posted: 02/28/07 2:04
Q: Read carefully, and dispassionately, please.

1. In the Kan Yar district of the capital city of Srinagar, Kashmir, in India, lies a building called the Rauza Bal. (See: http://tombofjesus.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=9&pos=4)

2. Underneath that building lies a casket which contains the remains of a man named Yuz Asaf.

3. That casket lies in the direction that the Jews bury their dead (Jews in India? See: http://tombofjesus.com/core/majorplayers/lost-tribes/lost-tribes-p2.htm . Also, read about Bnei Manashe on the web)

4. The man in that casket, Yuz Asaf, came to that land, according to the written and oral tradition of Kashmir, "from Baitul-Muqqadas" (The Holy Land), some "2000 years ago." (See the book, "Saving the Savior: Did Christ Survive the Crucifixion." Read the chapter of the same title)

5. The man in that casket was described as a "Prophet." Hmmm. Now, what "Prophet" could have come from the Holy Land, 2000 years ago. Hmmm. Let's see...Jesus?? Naaaa!

6. Inside the Rauza Bal, on the ground level, lies a stone carving of the footprints of Yuz Asaf. Those foot prints bear wounds--crucifixion wounds, or so they appear: http://tombofjesus.com/core/ancient-documents/footprints.htm .

This is NOT a secret. Saving the Savior, Jesus in Heaven on Earth, Jesus Died in Kashmir, Jesus Lived in Kashmir, A Search for the Historical Jesus, and other books contain photographs of this carving.

7. The following books attest to the visit of Yuz Asaf (Jesus) to Kashmir:

The Bhavishya Mahapurana
The Rauzat-us-Safa
The Book of Balauhar and Budasaf
The Tarikh-i-Kashmir
The Tarikh-i-Kashmir-i-Kabir
The History of Religions and Doctrines
The Wajess-ut-Tawarikh
The Bagh-i-Sulaiman
The Acta Thomae (Christian document, banned by the Church)
The Ain-ul-Hayat.

I have been wondering, as have others: Despite the fact that the alleged Tomb of "Yuz Asaf" (Jesus Christ) in Kashmir is now certainly well-known amongst Internet viewers world wide (as attested to by the fact that if you perform a search on, "Tomb of Jesus," the FIRST returns you get are The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website (www.tombofjesus.com, which was launched to the Internet at 3:30 p.m. on December 10, 1999);

Again, what I and others have been wondering is the following: Why have these European "scholars" bent over backwards to AVOID going to Kashmir, walking inside that tomb, examining those carved footprints, perhaps even getting permission to dig underneath to the underground casket, or even simply visiting the libraries of Kashmir, OR, visiting the NO. 1 scholar on Jesus-in-India studies, Dr. Fida Hassnain, who lives there in Srinagar, Kashmir, India?

Is it because of PRE-CONCEIVED ideas about where Jesus is "supposed" to have ended his days? Is it because the scholarship about Jesus must remain...in Europe? (Israel is not in Europe--except in the MINDS of Europeans).

Do European scholars have a PROBLEM acception ASIAN works? Must ALL knowledge be sifted through European, "peer-reviewed journals"? Will Europeans EVER come to realize that ASIA is DENSE with knowledge, yet to be discovered, and that Europeans do not have all the knowledge? Would it not ADD to European scholarship for them to...ahem...humble themselves, for a change, and talk to Aziz Kashmir, Fida Hassnain, Sue Olsson, Arif Khan, and others who KNOW where Jesus is REALLY buried?

Jesus in India? Oh, now THAT'S just a STRETCH, right? It was relatively easy to get to India, even back then, via several routes.

Well, anyway, GOOD LUCK trying to find Jesus in Jerusalem! OR, stop wasting time [again!], pack up your equipment, take a flight to Kashmir (and, incidentally, the Jaganath Temple further southwest, where you just MIGHT find some interesting documents), and let's END this thing!

When The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website was launched, it was launched with one promise: That it would never be used for commercial purposes. Want to find the truth? Go where the people with PASSION and SINCERETY go: to The Tomb of Jesus Christ Website, and the relevant books that have, for decades now, ENDED this discussion about where Jesus died.

He died in Kashmir at the ripe old age of 115. There, he re-married, had children (and ENJOYED DOING SO!!). He was NOT a sexless "god" who floated on clouds. He married a Kashmir peasant woman named Maryam. Made LOVE TO HER and ENJOYED IT!! Then he died. 
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Name: Nate Spain  •  Date: 02/28/07 2:09
A: Copying links mentioned in above post does not seem to work. So, go to www.tombofjesus.com and explore. You will find the picture of the tomb, simply by clicking the tomb flick at the home page, after you get through the introduction. You will find the picture of the foot carvings by going through the site. 
Name: exact55  •  Date: 03/02/07 10:03
A: Roman crucifixion usually entailed driving a large iron spike through both ankles, not the feet as is often depicted on crucifixes. This meant that the body was twisted painfully so that the feet faced sideways with respect to the torso. These feet carvings appear to contain the same error that most crucifixes have if indeed they are intended to show Jesus crucifixion wounds. 

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