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Home » Forum » General Discussions » When I was young I did believe in Santa, not any more.
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Name: gaswizard  •  Title: When I was young I did believe in Santa, not any more.  •  Date posted: 03/05/07 18:40
Q: I find all this very fascinating. A tomb, a religion in question, a family that passed away 2000 plus years ago being torn apart by all these so-called educated scholars. Facts are just that, facts. You have solid facts. A family was laid to rest in a tomb that was just recently torn into back in 1980. Where are the bones of that family now? The Discovery documentary mentioned that the bones were taken outside of town and buried. Find that location where the bones have been buried and take DNA samples of the child and see if that sample does match the sample DNA sample of Mariamene e Mara and also a sample DNA of Jesus, son of Joseph and the child DNA should match the father and mother. I am sure there is a search for the remains of this family but I had not heard anything more mentioned. When you were a child and found out that there was no Santa Clause did your life end right there? No. 
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Name: Wes Boll  •  Date: 03/05/07 18:42
A: OK, were starting to ask the correct questions that Ted Copple missed!!!!! WE ALL KNOW that the question has probably been ask,Would not want to be the organization that has lost an entire families bones!!! I don't want to hear any crap about they can't dig them up, they have allready done that and if they LOST them and didn't mark them somebody else needs to be crusified!!!! 
Name: gaswizard  •  Date: 03/05/07 18:44
A: agree 
Name: Wes Boll  •  Date: 03/05/07 18:54
A: Well, whoever is running this web site either deny or agree that this is a valid question, it the Bone Burier out their shivering in his shoes!! We are not going to hear that they forgot to mark the graves are we, Forget the controversy for now, the controversy could be is why we are losing an entire families BONES!!! 
Name: anne  •  Date: 03/06/07 1:43
A: Most of the bone were buried on sacred ground, the rest sent for DNA testing. Great suggestions, but if one were a biologist some bones are tooo old to be tested. 

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