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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Who is Jesus Belove disciple ???
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Name: vvk  •  Title: Who is Jesus Belove disciple ???  •  Date posted: 02/08/08 6:23
Q: In the Gospel of John:
At the Jesus Crucifixion, Jesus tells "Woman, here is your son"; that he indicates the Beloved Disciple is the common interpretation. To the Beloved Disciple he says, "Here is your mother." When Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb, she runs to tell the Beloved Disciple and Simon Peter. The Beloved Disciple is the first to reach the empty tomb, but Simon Peter is the first to enter

All of You , doesn't matter what religion You are tell Your friendly opions, all book , refences, bible, ete....even Your personal hefp to answer. Thank a lot All. 
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Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 02/08/08 9:02
A: .

Hi VVK; I must admit that the idea that the beloved disciple was not John, but instead, was a child of Jesus, stopped me in my tracks.
In the movie "The Lost Tomb..", when Simcha says "I don't know about you, but the only people that lean their head on my chest at my diner table are my kids", I felt he was giving a logical explanation for a verse in the Bible, that my professors could not.


Name: Panluna  •  Date: 02/08/08 18:21
A: The Beloved Disciple was Mary Magdelene.The 'woman' was a reference to her and his mother Mary.When Marcion(a Gnostic) compiled and wrote the first draft for the Gospels and the New Testament he could have used a good editor.His "Bible' was based on stories told verbally for 150 years after the crucifiction.That's the explanation in part for the conflicting versions.The books that were excluded was a discision deteremined by the Council of Nicea.and Jesus was elevated from mortal to god status by the Emporer Constatine 300 plus years later after he was granted a miracle----the sign of the Chi Rho cross and a messege"by this sign you will conquor".

I recommended watching BANNED FROM THE BIBLE on the History Channel. You can get the highlights of the program on their website. 
Name: Nathan Jillson  •  Date: 06/06/08 22:49
A: Like Panluna said, i think that the beloved disciple was Mary Magdelence...but i dont think that she was jesus' wife. I also dont think that jesus had a kid...the name judah is the tribe that jesus originally was born in. Therefore the family tomb would consist of tombs from the tribe of Judah so maybe they are confused and Mary is jesus' wife and they never had a kid...? 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/07/08 0:06
A: I also have to agree with Panluna 
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 06/07/08 20:21
A: I think it depends on one's perspective who the beloved disciple is. Some think it's Mary Magdalene but others think it's Jesus' brother James. And, I do think Jesus wanted James to take over from him - but the church came along and repressed James along with Mary Magdalene, putting Peter and Paul in charge, and referring to James as James the Less, instead of James the Just.

In the Gospel of Thomas, when the disciples ask "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus responds with: "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being. 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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