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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Why can't Christianity?
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Name: emuna  •  Title: Why can't Christianity?  •  Date posted: 03/06/07 14:02
Q: Why can't Christians believe in only G0d alone? Why do they need this human character of jesus?

I've heard things said like "The G0d of the Torah is a vengeful one" and that "The Torah is full of outdated rituals". If one were to study the Torah with a Rabbi they would realize these statements to be false. It's Christianity that has forcibly converted people for centuries that has made Judaism look bad and told lies. By this, I'm not calling Christians evil, there are many good Christians but I am calling the lies told about the Torah and the G0d of this world to be untrue.

It's so easy the medicine that christiany offers, accept jesus and you will be saved. It doesn't matter if you are a rapist, a muderer, etc. you will be saved. Do you really think this is right?

In the Torah there are consequences to human actions and this is good. Cities were destroyed not because G0d was vengeful but because they were evil, i.e. murderers, rapists, theives or idol worshippers.

It's good that in this world there are consequences to our actions. christianity offers people an easy way out instead of working on themselves. Repenting is not a simple step. For crimes against a human being, Jews are required to ask forgiveness of that human being in order to get forgiveness. 
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Name: emuna  •  Date: 03/06/07 14:06
A: And I also apologize if referring to jesus as a character offends you. I'm speaking like this because imagine you didn't believe in christianity, what would you think? 
Name: emuna  •  Date: 03/06/07 14:07
A: I think it's important for anyone to re-assess their beliefs when new facts come to light. I'm not saying outright abandom them, I'm saying question them. Questioning can make you stronger. 

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