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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Why can't we let this discovery strengthen our faith?
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Name: mastermusic  •  Title: Why can't we let this discovery strengthen our faith?  •  Date posted: 03/16/07 8:08
Q: It seems to me the only subject not being debated is the actual EXISTENCE of Christ.

Why can't that be the driving force behind the Christian faith? Is it not enough to know that a man with such vision walked the earth?

It seems to me that we're all becoming to involved in the details, and we're missing the big picture -- Jesus existed. 
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Name: Xcavate  •  Date: 03/16/07 15:31
A: Bravo!!! finally someone to agree with :) You know the first christian cannon wasn't written until 20 years after Jesuses death. You know what happens to a story after it is told 10 times to others. It is all different. Each person in the chain interperets things a little different. I am a strong christian believer however I have never interpreted the bible literally. most things or events I should say I try to keep an open mind to.they may have been a little different then they were written I think this event leads me to believe more along the lines of a spiritual ascention and that jesuses body was removes from the tomb by his followers to protrect it. after all the bible says that some of his disiples didn't recognize him right off and it also says that the gaurds were paid to move his body. Not in so many words, but my interpretation. thanks 
Name: gnotcivulf  •  Date: 03/16/07 17:53
A: Jesus did exist. There is enough evidence to show that (non-biblical ones to boot). I think with most non-religious folks like me have a problem with is the belief that Jesus was the physical embodiment of THE God. He was a Jewish Prince that wanted to fulfill a duty as a Messiah and failed. But the wisdom he obtained and passed unto his followers is what is the heart of this MAN. He, along with Mohammed, Buddha, Krsna, all basically came to the conclusion that the quickest way to know God is to know the self. SFW if he married and had children? That's what was expected from a rabbi and, especially, a Davidic prince by the time he was 33! It was the propoganda of Hellenistic priests that had a monopoly at a Council in Nicea followed/created a warped the truth/dogma and edited the Bible (for example. what IS the ending of Mark?! What happened at the tomb on the third day? What is so bad about the so-called Gnostic Gospels?). The end result is an moody asexual avatar that was about as kosher as a ham and bacon popsicle!!
Jesus existed. Jesus was a man. He was great man. I think if he were alive today he would weep at what became known as Christianity. He would then get his great great great great great great great great bloodline grandchildren together, call in those pledges of loyalty of them "Grail Guardians" and kick some serious booty. But he's dead. That's why we're here, posting and talking about him. 
Name: Messiah  •  Date: 03/16/07 18:02
A: Faith is something completly different and won't be affected by this at all. Those who think faith is realted with Christ has read to many books.

Name: gnotcivulf  •  Date: 03/16/07 18:09
A: Messiah, that reminds me of what my world religions teacher at college once told me:

"Faith can easily be msplaced. That's why you must test it with an open mind, truthfully and honestly with the courage to accept the possibility that you might be wrong. Only then will you RUN INTO the TRUTH." 
Name: QuebecIndieAnna  •  Date: 02/17/08 13:27
A: .
Well said.


Name: magdolene  •  Date: 05/20/08 16:32
A: I do believe he was existed. I believe in his message from god. And, yes, his story strngthens my faith in god and his willing

Name: sam  •  Date: 05/24/08 3:20
A: Hello, gnotcivulf ,
you mentioned the followings:

" 1-Faith can easily be misplaced."
{That happen when the faith [religion] is used by some to serve their own will, and to get personal benefits, and by using the words of man and claim them as the word of God. The following is an example:
REV. Hagee's comments that Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God's will by hastening the desire of Jews to return to Israel in accordance with biblical prophecy.
"God says in Jeremiah 16:
[GOD SAYS.!!!!]
'Behold, I will bring them the Jewish people again unto their land that I gave to their fathers. ...
{God gave the earth to all the people who live on it. God will not chose some people over the others, because that makes God unfair, and that cannot be accepted.}

[GOD SAYS!!!!]
Behold, I will send for many fishers, and after will I send for many hunters. And they the hunters shall hunt them.' That would be the Jews. ...
{The Jews who wrote the books created such a story to serve their purpose, and it is taken today by the Christians to serve their agenda, to conquer the world. God does not use hate and killing, but always teach love. All the people on His land [the earth] are equal, but people never stop to do what they love, and that is to seek for power and wealth.}

[GOD SENT!!!!]
Then God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone who comes with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter," Hagee said, according to a transcript of his sermon.
{Only the stupid [and there are many around those Revs, and by the millions] who believe that God will send people with swords and guns to kill other people and to distroy the land.}

REV. Hagee, is just one from many thousands like him all around the world preaching in churches and claiming what they teach to God.
We are in the 21st century, but there are still people enter the many universities and colleges which teach the works of those who call themselves Christian church leaders !!!.

Also Rev. Hagee preaches that GOD SENT huricaine Cathrina to punish the people of New Orleans, and people believed him !!!!

What about the many other huricane which hit the states and many other countries around the world?, and the thousands of tornados, and the many earth quakes, and the land slides etc. does God anything to do with all distructions and killing?.

" 2-That's why you must test it with an open mind, truthfully and honestly with the courage to accept the possibility that you might be wrong."

{All what I brought before from examples is just to prove what you said [in 2]is true. because sometimes the look from ouside to a person will never show the true about what is in the inside, in the mind. Many who claims that they are open minded and willing to seek the truth, most of the time are not open minded, and the previous examples can prove that too.}
" 3-" Only then will you RUN INTO the TRUTH"
{Person , any person who seek the truth, first he should look at any information given from whatever source came in a logical way, and analize them in a scientific way away from the the church or the mosque or the temple, and away from from their leaders. only then the mind will be clear to come to THE TRUTH..}

Another clip:
---Hagee, termed the Catholic Church "the great whore" and "an apostate church."
--- Rev. Rod Parsley statement, that Islam was "an antichrist religion that intends through violence to conquer the world."

Islam followers, the Muslims, believe in Moses and Jesus, and they do respect them as prophets, and they do love them, also they respect their books the Torah and the Gospels, but the Jews the do not believe in Jesus and Jesus is a false prophet to them, those are facts.
The Jews and the Christians they lies all the time.
Only the christians who kills the Jews in the last two thousand years, that is a fact and it is well decomanted in the history books.

I wonder who is Christian the christian who follow the teaching of Jesus for love and peace?

God bless you. 
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 05/24/08 15:32
A: "When will you Westerners realize that half-measures don't work with people who are willing to die by the thousands for Allah to achieve their goal? In their eyes the Western World is simply an abomination on earth that has to be wiped out."

"The Americans, the Europeans, and even you Israelis really don't know what it is all about, do you? During the last generation hundreds of thousands of children have been taught all over the Moslem world in Madrass schools to become martyrs for Allah in order to kill the infidels. These youngsters not only are ready to do it, but are actually in the process of doing it. Bombs are going off all over the world killing and maiming thousands of people, not only on 9/11 in the US, in London Madrid and Bali, but in Africa, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many other places. The first signs of the Islamic Tsunami are already here, but the West doesn't understand, or doesn't want to understand what is coming."

article here:
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 05/24/08 15:34
A: correct link:
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 05/24/08 15:35
A: for some reason, the link is adding a minus sign at the end; (I tried to correct it). So just take that out, and link should work. -Sassy 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 05/25/08 6:30
A: We are missing the point, and the reason many don't want to try to find out if this is true, is because no one likes to admitt they are wrong.
I was raised Roman Catholic and have a whole different perspective, I actually believed I knew Jesus when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I left that religion at age 13. 
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 05/25/08 8:57
A: I think the talpiot tomb is true-it is the tomb of Jesus and some of his family-if it's ever proven not to be the Jesus tomb, then I'll admit I was wrong. but so far the opposition to the tomb has weak arguments. I think all the other Jesus tombs are either hoaxes or some kind of memorial to him-such as the tombs in India and Japan. 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 05/25/08 20:13
A: Finding and believing the truth based on facts can help us understand and accept then strenghthens in faith. 

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