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Home » Forum » General Discussions » Would this change things??
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Name: free_thinker  •  Title: Would this change things??  •  Date posted: 03/14/07 20:12
Q: The question you have to ask yourself is this....If this is the place Jesus was buried, does this change your faith in God? Does this change your faith in Jesus and what he taught us? Remember religion is taken on faith and faith alone it is not supposed to be proven to be fact. The teachings of christian beliefs and the goodness of man are more important to the world than if and where Jesus was buried. Those that would strip those of their belief systems are wrong. It is those belief systems that promotes love and peace throughout the world. Without them you would have war and hate. So even if this is the resting place of Jesus, and Jesus was married and had a son, I still believe in him as the son of god and my savior and my belief in the christian religion will not change but strengthen with the truth. 
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Name: Nate Spain  •  Date: 03/14/07 20:24
A: "free_thinker." Hmmm. Interesting the name you chose. 
Name: sadinoel  •  Date: 03/14/07 21:32
A: Who cares? I'm more interested in finding out if it's actually Jesus' bones or not.

Given the serious credibility problems with Simcha and his "experts" I seriously doubt it.

Great story though. 
Name: free_thinker  •  Date: 03/15/07 17:38
A: The name I chose is what I am, a free thinker. Even if this story is true and this is the place where Jesus is buried it will not change my faith in him and his teachings. I believe man has lost that basic idea that it is his teachings that are important, not how he lived or died. It is the message of Jesus that we need to speek of and live by. His message is a positive one. One of love. one of a community of man taking care of each other. Or have we forgotten that? 
Name: Krystyna  •  Date: 03/15/07 18:27
A: If this turned out to be the burial place of Jesus it wouldn't change my views of Jesus at all. I'm not a Christian, but I appreciate the teachings attributed to him. And like you, I am afraid we've forgotten the essentials of what he taught. 
Name: free_thinker  •  Date: 03/15/07 20:07
A: See I am a follower of Jesus's teachings and his ways. I am surprised to see how many people have strayed from the path he set for us to follow. It is a very simple one of faith, understanding, and acceptance. Christianity has forgotten that. With that in mind it would not be fighting this discovery but instead it would be embracing it. But Christianity in fear strikes out to prove this or anything that challenges it wrong. To me it makes the Christian Churches sound like the Jewish ones back in Jesus's day. People should read the "Allegory of the Cave" written by Plato......it might shed some light on this situation. 

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