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Home » Forum » General Discussions » hercules & The Myth of jesus
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Name: emuna  •  Title: hercules & The Myth of jesus  •  Date posted: 03/06/07 13:34
Q: The original followers of jesus were Jewish. They believed he was the Messiah but they didn't believe he was G0d. They also practiced and followed the customs and laws of Judaism. Then Paul came along 200 years after the death of jesus and distorted the religion in order to market it to the masses. He took things from Pagan religions and composed christian holidays like xmas and other holidays. He might have also transplanted the hercules myth, i.e. the son of G0d onto jesus. Just because certain things about christianity are false, doesn't mean you can't follow the teachings of jesus. It is probably what he would have wanted if he was Jewish for people to know that he wasn't a G0d because the religion he followed forbids Idol worship and making G0d into a mortal is idol worship. Still jesus said a lot of good things and even if you don't believe that he was resurected or the son of G0d, doesn't mean you can't be a good christian and follow his teachings. 
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Name: emuna  •  Date: 03/06/07 13:39
A: and I should also say...how could anyone trust a religion (Christianity) that was changed 200 years after the death of it's key figure? 
Name: emuna  •  Date: 03/06/07 13:41
A: Anti-semetism and Christianities constant attack of the Jews is not going to make the myth of jesus anymore true than it was in the beginning. Christianity has done a lot of harm but I should also aknowledge the good that it is done. In this century, many Christians have contributed to bettering the world and bringing hope to the disadvantaged. Christians have done a lot of good and should continue doing so. 
Name: emuna  •  Date: 03/06/07 13:45
A: People should be able to tolerate criticism of their religion and that goes for all people of all religions! 
Name: emuna  •  Date: 03/06/07 13:53
A: It's good to have faith but not at the expense of truth. People who are solid in their faith and have proof that it is true, should not get so upset when someone provides evidence to the contrary. 
Name: Jim D  •  Date: 03/07/07 19:12
A: It's the evidence we "Christianites" have a problem with. The evidence is faulty at best, and does nothing for true scholarly investigation. Some the greatest archaeologists of our time are Christians. For the mere fact that Christianity is a religion based on fact and history.

Before you start questioning Paul's epistles and the New Testament in general, you should study the Old Testament and non-christian historical texts from Jesus' era. You will find that the Bible reads as if one person wrote it. The symbolism, prophecies and historical acts depicted, have been proved historically.

Emuna, your words are hypocritical to say the least. How can you cast dipersions on something, you know very little about? 

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