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Name: jesusman  •  Title: learning to speak an abundant language from ability  •  Date posted: 03/06/07 2:25
Q: even if we learned to speak an abundant language we need someone who is able to speak abundant language for without this ability of the teacher then we'll never be able 
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Name: golfdane  •  Date: 03/06/07 12:57
A: Speech is just one way of communication. Language didn't just pop-up, and it wasn't abundant to start with. Communication can be immensly simple or immensely complex. The language of man was in the beginning not more complex, than it was able to communicate extremely simple emotional messages, like "leave me alone", "give me", "come closer". Even today, are we able to communicate this without putting one single word to it. The ability to articulate allowed us to forward even more complex messages, which gave man an advantage. It became able to make group strategies due to our ability to reason (increasing intelligence), and communicate that reason to the group. Individuals with the ability to make the best decisions (the most intelligent) gained the highest status in the group, giving them the better chance to propegate and forward the genes that gave them reason. Often, when random mutation caused an enhanced trait, would the individual be attractive as a mate (like a better hunter due to better vision, increased dexterity, intelligence or organizational skills (and he/she might be so because he/she invented new ways (sounds, words, drawings, sign language) to communicate a given message), and thereby give the genes that gave the advantage to the next generation. The more complex sounds one is able to make, the more complex a message is it possible to express.

Evolution is immensely simple and extremely logical. Only a creationist would claim otherwise due to his notion, that the entire Bible is inerrant and authoritative, and not on the basis of the merits of evolution. It's not proven beyond scientific doubt, but is backed up by observation to such a degree, that no other explanation is even remotely in play.
It's abiogenesis we don't have a complete grasp on yet. Even though man has been able to synthesize viruses from scratch in labs, and will probably be able to do the same with the simplest of bacterias very soon, would it not serve as the only possible explanation for the origin of life. We will never be able to guess the initial conditions, so regardless of how we synthesized life, could one still argue, that we have proved nothing. 
Name: jesusman  •  Date: 03/06/07 16:48
A: like I said the ability to speak is substance which we speak our abundant language... sharing JOY for example in our voice

you focusing on the words where I"m focusing on the substance that the tongue then forms the words we speak although the SUBSTANCE of abundant language gives us JOY and LOVE and many different content which is substance

stop looking at the words we form and start looking at the substance of our words

the only point I'm making here is that for us to be able to speak the abundant language which is substance (like joy) is passed down from someone who is able... you must understand that without being able to speak an abundant language as substance would never have been passed on

this is a simple concept

able passes on and unable does not!

that's just it

able passes on and unable does not!

creation over evolution for the SUBSTANCE of our words is an ability passed on by someone who is ABLE

look at the JOY over the formation of words and you'll understand

Love Richard

perhaps you grasp that our ability to speak is substance and if so then consider that if before us people were unable to speak substance like joy how would that form? it cannot without the ability to speak because there is nothing to pass on

God bless you

Love Richard 
Name: jesusman  •  Date: 03/06/07 16:51
A: I believe we live by every word of God and this is a reasonable answer to how we have become so adept with our expressions of JOY and LOVE 

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