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Name: slylavageek  •  Title: the 'critical look'  •  Date posted: 03/05/07 6:19
Q: The Ted Koppel show was awful. Tabor and Jacobovici were brilliant, of course, but why were they forced to converse with those mushmouthes?
I wish there had been at least one religious figure on the side of the film, at least one Gnostic. Big mistake on the part of the producers of the show. Why is it that 'fundamentalists' rely so heavily on the canonical texts anyway? Or at least, why do they take them so literally? They always sound so stupid and simple. (And if Christians actually believe that Jesus' physical body actually got up, opened the door of the tomb and floated up into outer space - if this is perfectly normal - why don't we see this sort of thing all the time?)
Anyway, I just think that the show, the "critical look", seemed awfully skewed, distorted and designed to steer opinions, just as the film was accused of doing. Did Ted seem threatened by the film, or is it just me?
I thought the film was wonderful, compelling, intriguing and though I am not a Christian, nor am I affiliated with any one religious dogma, I found it quite uplifting. I do not understand why it is so difficult or unappealing, why it would "rock the foundations of faith", to accept the notion that Jesus had a wife and family. I would think that if all who claim to be guided by the teachings of this man, who was a beautiful being and wise one, loved someone and partnered with her, would appreciate this idea/fact and add it to their faith and practice. (It would really help back up the 'sanctity of marriage' they go on about.) I would think that if Christians could accept and appreciate this then maybe they could find it in their hearts to heal familial pains, heal neighborly quarrels, heal national problems, heal international issues and ultimately bring peace to the world. (Not that I think Christians are the only people with this responsibility. God no, that's up to all of us. Peace begins at home)

Yeah, anyway, I'm sleepy and rambling and just wondered if any of these thoughts occurred to anyone else...? 
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Name: truth  •  Date: 03/05/07 7:06
A: I agree, Ted Koppel should be ashamed at one point he turned his back to the two men. G-d will have his way and the truth will come out. The tombs was seal but not for long!! 

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